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A CNC milling machine is a special machine that employs the use of computerizedcontrols and rotating multipoint cutting tools to produce a custom-designproduct. The technology that these CNC milling machines are based on has beenaround since the 1950s, while the original milling machines have been around asmuch as the Industrial Revolution.
Advantages of buyingused CNC milling machines:
Thereis more than one type of CNC milling machines: they can be horizontal orvertical, depending on the axis of movement. A CNC milling machine is alsoknown as a mill for short, though we will be using the full name to reduce theconfusion. Here are some advantages of buying used CNC milling machines thatyou should know about:
- Cheaper upfront cost as well as easier maintenance.
- Easier to repair and find mods for.
- Provides more stable resale value, and better quality.
- Can be deployed very fast.
More affordable when buying:
Oneof the more obvious advantages of buying a used CNC milling machine is the costsavings. A new CNC machine can cost anywhere between €400 to €500 for miniversions, while basic bench mounted versions go for around €15.000 to €25,000.There are even massive versions that cost up to € 500,000.
Ifyou go for a used CNC milling machine, not only will you save a considerableamount of budget, but you will have the choice to invest the rest of yourbusiness’ budget on something else, like getting the materials and so on.
Easier to repair:
Oneof the biggest reasons why you would want to get an older version of a CNCmilling machine is the fact that they have been heavily researched and workedon by countless other businesses for various reasons. A CNC milling machine isnot limited to only one kind of industry: it can be used in multiple industriesfor various reasons.
Theolder the machine, the more likely it is that you will find instructions on howto repair the device in case of failure. Older, used machines also mean thatthey are more documented by the customers: businesses instead of themanufacturer.
Cheaper maintenance:
Aused CNC milling machine means that you will save money that can be spent formaintenance later on. Because you will essentially be paying for an oldermodel, it will have more support, and more professionals will be likely torepair your device. One thing about the market is that the more the people arewilling to work in that market, the cheaper the prices get.
Thisultimately means that you will be able to get cheaper maintenance withouthaving to pay a premium for a professional that has to keep themselves updatedon how to fix newer models of CNC milling machines.
Much more resale value:
Machineslose value very quickly after they are released. The fastest time that theylose their value is in the first year of their life, especially for largermachinery. However, over the years, the resale value eventually stabilizes, andyou can buy a used CNC machine for almost the same price that you willeventually sell it for in a couple of years.
Thismeans that the older the model you will buy, the better the resale value willbe, and the more likely it will be for you to get another newer used model fora little investment on top of that money. This is one of the bestAdvantages of buying used CNC milling machines.
Better quality:
Ifyou are buying from a reliable website like, you will be able to get a good qualityused CNC milling machine and milling machine centers. This is because resellersusually hire professionals to take a look at an old CNC milling machine to findwhether there are any faults with the machine. The older the machine up forsale, the more likely it is to handle some sort of abuse.
BecauseCNC milling machines have to work with cutting up materials and making newitems, they will wear and tear. Older machines are testimony that higherquality of materials is used in the construction of the machine and that theywill be able to handle much more abuse, much more efficiently.
Companiesoften save up on costs on newer models through the use of special alloys thatnon-professionals may not be able to differentiate between, but the differenceis very visible when it comes to prolonged usage.
Ifyou are buying a used CNC machine from a reliable reseller, you are essentiallygetting a much better-quality CNC milling machine, something that might evenoutlast a newer machine, though the experience may differ from reseller toreseller.
Faster & much better delivery:
CNCmachines are the backbone of many industries and if your business deals withprocessing materials, you will definitely want to invest in something thatlasts for longer. When you are buying a used CNC machine, you will be able toget rapid delivery for your product, especially if you choose to buy from areseller who has a good reputation and will be able to set it up in less time.
Theless time it takes to set a machine up, the more products you will be able tocreate, and the higher your productivity as a company or business willbe. This has to be a good Advantages of buying used CNC milling machines.
Easier to modify:
Sometimesa stock CNC machine is not as useful for your company as adding some modsaround will be. Newer models of CNC milling machines tend to use unique portsand different designs – things that will require you to custom-order a mod for,or just wait for reliable brands to figure out a mod that will work on your newmachine.
Whenyou buy a used milling machine, you will be much more likely to findalready-made mods for your CNC milling machine. Even if you don’t, there mightbe a professional in your vicinity who can properly construct and install a modthat you will need to run your business properly.
Final Thoughts:
Wehave only discussed the face-value advantages of using a used CNC machine.There are even more advantages of a used CNC milling machine. If you have anyqueries, just send us a call at +49 2151 32 500 33 or through our officialwebsite We will be more than happy to help you findthe best CNC machine for your usage.
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