
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 25th May, 2021 - The UNIQUE Mouth opening exercise device in India is patented, clinically tested and the award winning device for the jaw exercise which helps the trismus affected patients to increase the mouth opening. Innovated by 21 years experienced 18 awards winner Cosmetic Implantologist Dr Bharat Agravat (
UNIQUE Mouth opening device for Oral Submucous Fibrosis provides a better guided assistedjaw motion rehabilitation system by exerting even pressure on muscles of mastication by taking support over Maxillary and Mandibular dental arch, cover all multi-rooted posterior and single rooted anterior teeth with adjustable force over the Jaw; ease of use makes it very supportive for the patients, Prevent broken and fracture of existing teeth, In post radiation fibrosis patients, In Carcinoma patients half the jaw arch removed.
The method of using it is very simple. First you need to check if you can open your mouth or not, then use the osmf capsule with water after a few minutes, take the osmf gel and rub it into your mouthand gums. After some time, wash your mouth gently with water. Then take this mouth opening device and try to open your mouth with it. Try as you can. Try 2 to 5 minutes 10 times each time. Then blow your face with air and you can do it 18 to 25 times every day. Before using the device, use the OSMF lollipop into your mouth and exercise with it. Use the device 3 to 4 times every day and you will get a good result from the first day.
It comes with great advantages like, it is made of high-quality stainless steel. With the screw thread mechanism mount opening, it can be increased easily.
It is develop by Smile in Hour® (, which is award winner India's first Dental Tech start-up's DPIIT Recognised startup India and developed the Oral-care and Dental Product and Services.
The patient who has experienced the Dental mouth opener instrument said, “It is a very good mouth opening exercise device for oral submucous fibrosis treatment. My husband used this mouth opener for one month and his mouth jaws started opening. I'm very much sure that it will open up to three or four fingers in two months.”
How to Use Award Winning OSMF Mouth Opening Exercises Device treatment at Home in Hindi visit
Smile in Hour® Spalon Dental Clinic Thaltej & Bodakdev ( is a pioneer name in the Oral medical services industry of India since 1999, they manage all clinical, dental medication that is covered worldwide. Presently they have concocted our online store “OSMF Mouth Opening Treatment at Home” division managed by the name Dr Agravat Healthcare Ltd. The Mouth opening device in India is the most helpful and innovative device to treat trismus, oral cancer patients due to radiation fibrosis and restricted mouth opening due to chewing of Pan Masala, Gutkha, betel nut and spicy foods.
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Address: Smile in Hour® Spalon Dental Clinic Thaltej & Bodakdev
Mohini Complex, UF-2, Beside Atithi Dining Hall Near The Pride Hotel. Off S.G. Road, Judges Bunglow Rd, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380054
Mobile: 7575 00 8686