
August 7th,2021
Kyiv, Ukraine – The Ukrainiansoftware development startup company, Image Upscaler, has created a new imageprocessing algorithm that can allow anyone to remove the backgrounds from theirdigital images over the internet. Image Upscaler is releasing this new digitalsoftware as an online service to all users worldwide.
“It works as anonline service,” said Evgen, a representative of Image Upscaler. “Users cansimply upload their images on our webpage and then download the new imageswithout backgrounds in them. The whole conversion process works in a matter ofseconds. Our software replaces the old backgrounds with an all-white color,which creates a ‘green screen-like effect’ that allows users to replace thewhite background with whatever images they want without disturbing theforeground.”
Image Upscalerdeveloped the algorithm based on Deep Learning, which is a unique class ofautomated machine learning algorithms with several different layers. As thealgorithms absorb new visual and textual data automatically, its artificialintelligence acquires new knowledge based on the actions of humans.
The specificalgorithm associated with the background removal software has two separateparts. The first CNN detects the main objects within the image (the backgroundand the foreground) and creates a rough mask of them.
The second CNNreceives input from the mask and then creates a new mask with a whitebackground instead of the original background. It does this by subtracting therough background from the input received and then uses very accurate edgecutting to establish the foreground image separately.
“Many onlineentrepreneurs need to have solid white backgrounds in their product images whenselling things like clothes and shoes,” said Evgen. “Our online serviceprovides an easy way to produce those white backgrounds without having to buyexpensive photo editing tools which require advanced skills. Users of ourservice do not need to have any photo editing skills whatsoever. It is acompletely automated process that does all the work for them.”
Image Upscaler iscurrently offering this tool for free right now with no limitations. Itworks with images in .JPG, .PNG, and .JPEG file format. The acceptable imagefile sizes can go up to 10 MB, with a length and width of no more than 5000pixels each.