
Poxet Contains Dapoxetine HCL is one of the most potent brand names of medicines when it comes to treating premature ejaculation. Since it was made available, millions of Male have found it to be a blessing because it gave them a chance to Treatment one of the conditions many men suffer from but are too ashamed to talk about PE.
For men suffering from the unfavorable problem of finishing prematurely in bed now comes a Dapoxetine medication. The name of this medication is Poxet, also known generically by the name Dapoxetine. Some people openly welcome such a treatment while others believe it is the pharmaceutical industry trying to capitalize on problem that can be fixed by other methods. But is this treatment something that is right for you if you experience premature ejaculation (PE)? This would be a question that you would have to discuss with your doctor if you live in a country where it is available.
Premature Ejaculation plagues as many as 40% of men according to recent statistics. For some men they have been able to practice various physical and mental exercises in order to get some assistance in this area. Others have tried these and just seemingly can’t make progress or the progress comes very slowly and gets quit frustrating for them. Well now Poxet may offer some hope because in clinical studies, it has helped men last longer, and for some that means upwards of three times their normal period. For a man only being able to last one minute, the thought of being able to last as many as three can give him a much needed confidence boost.
The way in which Poxet Contains dapoxetine works is that is alters some of the chemicals in ones brain that help to prolong a males climax. Poxet Generic Dapoxetine is what is called a SSRI which stands for select serotonin reuptake inhibitor. SSRI’s have long been used as antidepressants but a little known secret behind them is that they can delay the male saxual response and dapoxetine better than others. Some males being treated for depression with an SSRI have found that their ability to last in bed has increased, while others it has not. However unless one was seriously disturbed by this problem they probably would not inquire into being put in a regular SSRI for this problem. The reason is that they have other side effects and it is also considered an off label use of the drug. However dapoxetine is eliminated relative quickly in the body compared to other SSRI’s so as a result was investigated for Pre mature Ejaculation. With dapoxetine one simply takes the pill one to three hours before the big event with no need to take it again until needed.
The question still remains with skeptics is if this is really necessary. I guess that question is best answered by asking a man who it has helped. I am sure his answer would be different than someone who has never experienced this problem. It is always easy to state ones opinion in an area and insist that everyone else believes as you do. However the reality remains that Poxet is helping out men whether or not they have tried mental or physical PE exercises. If you are one of these unfortunate males suffering from this, talk to your doctor and see if it is this could be a good treatment for you.