
What do you want your website to do? You need to know its theme or niche, who it is to cater to and what it needs to accomplish. For example, you may want a website which sells hats with sports teams’ logos on them, focused towards teenage and 20-something males, and you want to make enough money to live on.
Top web design tips to get the ideal website
What do you want your website to do? You need to know its theme or niche, who it is to cater to and what it needs to accomplish. For example, you may want a website which sells hats with sports teams’ logos on them, focused towards teenage and 20-something males, and you want to make enough money to live on. This is a detailed statement which allows you to easily build a Custom Web Development Toronto website to meet those standards. “I want to sell stuff online” just doesn’t provide the detail you need to begin planning.