
Homeopathy is another common natural treatment for Allergies - one of the more gentle forms of treatment - that is most likely to relief allergy related health problems or symptoms, food intolerances and sensitivities.
Homeopathy is based on the idea that like treats like; homeopaths generally use substances that contain a microscopic amount of a substance that would normally cause a condition, on the idea that it will actually stimulate the body’s immune system to treat the condition or symptom.
Allergy is a very individualor to-each-his-own medical condition. Put simply, what your body may be allergic to, the other person may not be and the other way round. Allergy is a sudden hypersensitive reaction that presents itself with a number of symptoms following contact with an allergen.
The main allergies are nasal allergy, allergic cough, food allergies, dust allergy and skin rash. Some persons are very allergic to hair dyes as well. The Homeopathic remedies for allergy not only helps in providing relief in acute attacks of allergy, but also works to cure the allergy by extracting the underlying root cause. The Homeopathic treatment for allergy is completely safe, since the homeopathic medicines are sourced out of natural substances and there are no toxins involved.
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Allergies
The natural Homeopathic remedies that are best suited are chosen on the basis of the symptoms and characteristics faced by each and every patient.
Arsenic Album
It is the best homeopathic medicine for allergic rhinitis, especially if presented with intense thirst. Other symptoms that indicate its use are thin acrid nasal discharge, burning in the nose and throat, and a cold that gets worse at midnight or is triggered by temperature fluctuation. check out Arsenicum Album Homeopathy
Natrum Mur
It is a natural Homeopathic medicine that is very beneficial for the treatment of both nasal and skin allergies. The important pointers for using Natrum Mur in nasal allergy are a running nose with sneezing and difficulty in breathing. In skin allergies, Natrum Mur is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for excessive itching that mainly gets worse in a warm room and better in open air. A craving for salt is usually noted in all the patients requiring Natrum Mur Homeopathy
Calcarea Phosphorica
Irritability, headaches, stomach and abdominal pains, and a craving for “junk food” are all indications for this remedy. Stiffness in the neck and back, leg cramps, and aggravation from cold are also likely. The person may seem dissatisfied, with a strong desire for travel or a change of circumstances and a tendency to complain when fatigue and health problems interfere. This remedy is often helpful to restless, whiny children who have growing pains, get headaches from school, and have picky appetites with many food problems.
Check out Calcarea Phos Homeopathy
Nux Vomica
Irritability, cramping pains, and chilliness are typical when this remedy is needed. Oversensitivity to substances can lead to many ailments—headaches, runny nose, tight breathing, heartburn, stomach problems, constipation, back pain, and insomnia. People who need this remedy are often irritable, impatient, easily angered or frustrated, and have a lot of trouble relaxing. They tend to crave stimulants, alcohol, tobacco, sweets, and strong foods, and feel worse from having them. They are also very sensitive to odors, light, and noise. check out Nux Vomica Homeopathy
Allium Cepa
Try this remedy when nasal mucus irritates your nose or upper lip; your eyes are runny but the discharge is bland and non-irritating; you feel worse from warm rooms, and better in open air.
Homeopathy works on the principle “like cures like,” this means that the prescribed medicine is able to produce symptoms similar to the disease condition, which helps in curing the condition. Homeopathic medicines are seen to improve the over-sensitized immune system and thus act as an immune-modulator or immune-regulator. Homeopathy follows an individualized treatment approach, where medications are prescribed after studying personal characteristics.
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