
Object-Oriented and Functional:Python is an object-oriented language, from the bottom up. Its class modelsupports advanced notions such as for example polymorphism, operatoroverloading, and multiple inheritances; yet, in the context of Python's simplesyntax and typing, OOP is remarkably easy to apply. Just like C++, Python supports bothprocedural and object-oriented programming modes.
Python recently has acquired built-insupport for functional programming—a collection that by most measures includesgenerators, comprehensions, closures, maps, decorators, anonymous functionlambdas, and first-class function objects.
Free: Python is free tomake use of and distribute. As with other open-source software, such as formodel Tcl, Perl, Linux, and Apache, you are able to fetch the entire Pythonsystem's source code free of charge on the Internet. You will find norestrictions on copying it, embedding it in your systems, or shipping ittogether with your products. In fact, you may even sell Python's source code,if you are so inclined.
Portable: The conventionalimplementation of Python is written in portable ANSI C, and it compiles andruns on virtually every major platform currently in use. For example, Pythonprograms run today from PDAs to supercomputers.
Powerful: Python providesmost of the simplicity and simplicity of the use of a scripting language, alongwith increased advanced software-engineering tools typically found in compiledlanguages. Unlike some scripting languages, this combination makes Python idealfor large-scale development projects. A few of why Python is powerful aredynamic typing, automatic memory management, built-in object types, etc.
Mixable: Python programscan certainly be combined with components written in other languages in avariety of ways. For example, Python's C API lets C programs call and be calledby Python programs athletically. That way you can include functionality to thePython system as needed, and use Python programs within other environments orsystems.
An easy task to Use: Incomparison to alternatives like C++, Java, and C#, Python programming seemsastonishingly simple to most observers. To operate a Python program, you justtype it and run it. You will find no intermediate compile and link steps likeyou will find for languages such as for example C or C++.
An easy task to Learn: Incomparison with other trusted programming languages, the core Python languageis remarkably easy to learn. In fact, if you're an experienced programmer, youare able to expect you'll be coding small-scale Python programs in a matter ofdays and may be able to pick up some limited portions of the language in onlyhours.
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