
Cigarettesare one consumed tobacco products at global level. From the young population toold, everyone consumes cigarettes. Due to this reason, e-cigarettes have also becomepopular. E-cigarette brands are increasingly becoming popular across theworld.
What are e-cigarettes?
Ane-cigarette can be considered as a battery-operated device. It is a betteralternative of cigarettes. In terms of shape, it looks like a long tube thatlooks similar to traditional cigarettes. This masterpiece is made by leadinge-cigarette brands. It looks similar to a pipe or pen, a cigar. It is alsoknown by other names such as vaporizer cigarettes, electronic nicotine deliverysystems and vape pens.
Thesecan be replaced, reused, and refilled. Its cartridges and non-nicotinesolutions are perfect for the addicted users. The e-cigarettes are designed togive a similar sensation of tobacco smoke (without the smoke). They areprimarily sold to individuals who are looking for quitting or reducing theirsmoking habits. Regulation of e-cigarettes is different across multipledemographics. In some places, there are no regulations. On the otherhand, in certian places they are banned completely. Thus, it can be truly saidthat e-cigarette brands have come a long way since their inception.
E-cigarettesare less harmful than regular cigarettes as they produce enhanced aerosol whichconveys nicotine without poisonous synthetics. This has brought about thedeveloping interest for e-cigarettes. It has also emerged as one of the bestways to quit smoking.
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Market analysis of e-cigaretteindustry
Tooblige the developing interest and increment the offer of their items, many tope-cigarette brands are likewise zeroing in on item advancements and areembracing new publicizing and special missions. The inclination fore-cigarettes as an option for smoking tobacco will be a key factor in boostingthe value of e-cigarette brands’ market in the entire world. As per the GlobalE-Cigarette Brands’ Market Report, growing demand will escalate the e-cigarette brands’ marketsize.
Accordingto Verified Market Research experts, this market was valued at USD 11.27 billion in 2018. It is projected toreach USD52.26 billion by 2026. The market is growing at a CAGR of 21.16 % from 2019to 2026.
Interms of consumption, America is the dominant consumer of e-cigarettes. Thestrict laws and regulations have put restrictions on the traditionalcigarettes’ business all throughout the globe. Due to this, a safer variant wasintroduced- e-cigarette.
Interms of production, e-cigarettes are produced in large numbers as compared totraditional cigarettes. Even with the high price, products of e-cigarettebrands have become one of the most consumed products around the world. Theaccessibility of customization alternatives such as fume, battery strength,e-fluid juice, and variable voltage have put the e-cigarette brands in thelimelight.
Regardingterritorial business sectors, North America represents the biggest piece of theoverall industry as far as e-cigarette brands’ income is concerned. NorthAmerica is additionally the home to a considerable lot of the world’s tope-cigarette organizations.
Itis home to brands like Altria Group, Inc. furthermore, Philip MorrisInternational Inc., which acts as the dominant members of this market. Europeis another big market for e-cigarette brands.
Now,e-cigarettes are becoming popular across the United Kingdom, Germany andFrance, because of its appeal. Clients in the age band of 30-44 are the majorconsumers. Nonetheless, the Asia Pacific is going to bypass all other marketsto become the most profitable market for top e-cigarette brands.
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Asper the report, it will contribute almost 38% of the global e-cigarette market.This is because of the quickly developing interest for e-cigarettes in nationslike China, India, Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand.
Top e-cigarette brands offeringproducts internationally
PhilipMorris International
Philip MorrisInternational is a Swiss-American tobacco company. It is one of thebiggest suppliers of e-cigarettes in the western world. It aims to deliver asmoke-free future. It is the only e-cigarette brand to receive certificationfrom American medical bodies.
HealthierChoices Management Corp
Healthier ChoicesManagement Corp is a U.S. based publicly traded company. Since inception,it has focussed on providing consumers with healthier alternatives. Itoffers better alternatives in the form of world-class e-cigarettes.
Altria Group uses itswholly-owned subsidiaries to offer industry-leading choices for itsinternational consumers. It offers a wide variety of products in its portfolio– from combustible to non-combustible tobacco brands. It is one of thefastest growing companies.
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VerifiedMarket Research
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