Top 8 Plans for VPS, Dedicated Server, WordPress, etc.
Top 8 Plans for VPS, Dedicated Server, WordPress, etc.
When I decided it had been finally time (past time, actually) to modify my hosting decide to something better, there was one specific feature I wanted — SSDs. My sites were crawling along painfully slowly, and I’d had enough.

Top 8 Plans for VPS, Dedicated Server, WordPress, etc.

When I decided it had been finally time (past time, actually) to modify my hosting decide to something better, there was one specific feature I wanted — SSDs. My sites were crawling along painfully slowly, and I’d had enough.

We write plenty about how speed sells and performance is pivotal, but I wasn’t practicing what I preached. I had prioritized price over performance when buying my last web host plan and wanted more for my modest collection of internet sites.

SSDs, which represent solid-state drives, is an improved sort of memory device that copies, writes, and opens files repeatedly faster than traditional hard-disk drives, or HDDs. because the name implies, SSDs contain no moving parts; data is stored in flash-memory microchips, meaning the drives draw less power, create less noise, generate less heat, and last for much longer than HDDs.

Because SSDs web hosting is a more modern technology (gaining traction and recognition within the early 1990s, as against when HDDs were introduced within the mid-1950s), they're costlier and typically have less capacity than HDDs. While that doesn’t directly affect your hosting experience, you’ll understand why plans with SSDs tend to be pricier, accompany lower storage limits — and still appeal to more seasoned web hosting customers.

Although I used to be only trying to find shared hosting for my sites, I’ve combined my research and knowledge with the remainder of the HostingAdvice team to supply a full menu of options for the varied levels of SSD hosting. Read on to find out about the differences, alongside which hosting providers offer the simplest plans and services.

1. Best SSD Dedicated Server Hosting

If you’re already forking over the dough for dedicated hosting, finding a provider with SSDs will boost performance without much noticeable change in cost. Frankly, if a fanatical plan remains using HDDs, it probably isn’t worth having unless you've got massive databases of data. Regardless, your site or application needs performant infrastructure, so why not get the best?

Fortunately, many of our favorite hosts include SSDs as standard components of their dedicated servers. Liquid Web offers custom configurations around its SSDs, along with side instant provisioning and automatic migrations, backups, and monitoring.

2. Best SSD VPS Hosting

If you’re almost ready for a fanatical server but still need plenty of computing power, storage, and bandwidth, a VPS hosting plan using SSDs will do the trick. The performant hard drives are an excellent addition for organizations needing a hosting plan which will rise to the challenge.

InMotion Hosting includes SSDs altogether plans, but we’re particularly keen on the provider’s VPS hosting options. For a reasonable rate, InMotion Hosting packs an abundance of features into making customers’ sites and applications hum along 20 times faster than those on HDD hosting. We appreciate the high levels of RAM and bandwidth the corporate allocates to VPS customers, additionally to free server management, live-state snapshots, and therefore the company’s 90-day money-back guarantee.

3. Best Shared SSD Hosting

Speaking from experience, SSDs impact site performance regardless of which level of hosting you’re at. Although the price seems to reign supreme at the shared hosting level, more nuanced and experienced customers will understand and seek the worth SSDs bring back users’ experience.

When it involves speed, look no further than A2 Hosting. the corporate is understood across the industry for going beyond SSD speed to supply Turbo servers and highly tuned configurations that put the pedal to the metal. The Michigan-based host gives customers unlimited resources, high-powered hardware, and a free content delivery network.

If you’re almost able to ditch the price-awareness mentality of the many shared hosting customers, scroll right down to see who we recommend as cheap SSD hosts and compare them to the remainder of our top affordable hosts.

4. Best SSD Cloud Hosting

A cousin to VPS hosting, cloud plans offer more responsive computing resources. When combined with SSD performance, cloud hosting offers increased stability, speed, and scalability. for several of equivalent reasons as within the VPS section, we recommend InMotion Hosting for cloud hosting, as well. The company’s cloud-powered infrastructure is made for real-time redundancy, live-state snapshots, and high availability.

Liquid Web serves a refined palate of cloud hosting options, starting from VPS or dedicated resources to the all-inclusive CloudSites platform — all managed by who the corporate calls “the most helpful humans in hosting.” Liquid Web leads the way in speed and customer loyalty and includes enhanced tools for security, CDN, and backups. Daily billing means customers pay just for the computing resources used.

5. Best SSD WordPress Hosting

We’re hard-pressed to consider a scenario where SSD storage can make more of an impression than when it involves SSD WordPress hosting. The incredibly popular content management system is everywhere, but it is often cumbersome and difficult to host exactly right. SSDs remove a number of the computing burdens and release resources to deliver sites at optimal speed.

A2 Hosting boasts speed even more with the company’s proprietary Turbo servers, which give a drop-in Apache replacement that loads pages 20 times faster and allocates more resources toward each user.

In addition to HostingAdvice experts, SiteGround gets another stamp of approval from the WordPress Core team for offering managed updates, a one-of-a-kind staging environment, three levels of caching, and git integration.

6. Best SSD cPanel Hosting

One of the foremost common and, yet, most often overlooked, features when it involves web hosting is that the platform that helps users manage all aspects of their account. Although cPanel is the way and away from the foremost widely used instrument panel, hosting providers implement the executive interface differently.

For example, SiteGround customizes the cPanel portal to maximize simplicity and user-friendliness. We appreciate the reorganization, also because the added third-party and in-house tools to offer customers even more flexibility and functionality when managing their hosting.

On the opposite hand, we appreciate how InterServer gives users more options for control panels. counting on your hosting service and configuration, you'll prefer to use Plesk, DirectAdmin, or Webuzo. The company’s management tools offer unique additional features like reverse DNS, server monitoring, and domain registration.

7. Best Cheap SSD Hosting

Who doesn’t need a good deal? Although the most important gripe about SSDs is that the tag, customers don’t need to break the bank to urge a solid shared hosting plan powered by the performant hard drives. Hosts offering affordable SSD packages show a commitment to user experience by making performance a reasonable, attainable goal.

As such, InMotion Hosting leads the way by offering SSD plans for less than slightly quite the bargain-basement plans offered by HDD-based competitors. albeit plans start around $4 per month, the corporate doesn’t cut corners: All customers can enjoy unlimited disc space and email, also as free backups, malware protection, transfers, and a website name registration.

For only pennies more, A2 Hosting maximizes performance by including access to the Cloudflare CDN and an optimized plugin that preconfigures caching and compression options for WordPress and PrestaShop sites. the corporate goes a step beyond SSDs with Turbo servers, which use fewer CPU and memory resources.

8. Best SSD Reseller Hosting

If you’ve got an entrepreneurial itch, reseller hosting may be a quick, affordable thanks to pocket a couple of extra bucks. Resellers typically use VPS services acquired at wholesale rates and sublease the unused server space to others. White-labeled accounts mean resellers can conduct business under their brand; providers maintain the infrastructure, but resellers run the business and are liable for customer support and invoicing.

SSDs are only one of several perks InMotion Hosting offers to resellers. additionally, to unlimited cPanel licenses, InMotion includes the WHMCS billing software for free of charge to arrange user accounts and payments. Resellers can even enable their customers to register domains through an included eNom domain reseller license.