
Agricultureindustry is known for experimenting with new technologies to push itsproduction. With the onset of fertilizers, the production of crops increasedbut brought many diseases with it. With new and stricter laws, crop-friendlyways are being explored, giving rise to the market of biostimulant companies.
Thesebiostimulant companies ensure that they positively influence the growth ofcrops. Not only this, they also ensure that crops’ resistance power alsoincreases. The products made by this market’s players ensure that all the vitalprocesses associated with plants are performed properly by plants.
Asthe demand for improving the soil degradation conditions is growing across theworld, biostimulant companies’ market is expected to experience a meteoric risein sales. Biostimulants are considered to be one of the best ways to grow cropsas they neither harm crops’ quality nor soil quality.
Mainaim of biostimulant companies is to boost not only crop production but alsogood quality crops. Biostimulants can be considered organic as they containplant hormone, fish emulsion and different forms of enzymes.
Accordingto Verified Market Research analysts, this market was valued at USD 2.32 billion in 2019. Market indicatorsprojected its market cap to reach USD 4.78 billion by 2027. As per the statisticsof GlobalBiostimulant Companies’ Market Report, it is growing at a CAGR of 10.2% from 2020 to2027.
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Top 10 biostimulant companies escalating thequality of crops worldwide
Marrone Bio Innovations
Marrone Bio Innovations offers a variety ofstimulants that enhance the quality of crops. It helps in boosting the internalimmunity of crops against insects. It majorly focuses on boosting the qualityof crops along with making a strong barrier against the crop destroyinginsects.
Biolchim was founded in 1972. This Italian company is on the mission toenhance the quality and quantity of crops worldwide. All of its biostimulantsconsist of raw materials that are good for crops. Due to this, Biolchim is aleading player in the European market of biostimulant companies.
Valagro was established in 1980. It is an Italian company that hasdiscovered an unique line of biostimulants that enhance the plant growth evenin saline soil. This breakthrough solution has helped Valagro in pushing thebiostimulant companies’ market into limelight. Now, it has also committed tobuild a sustainable future for all its stakeholders.
Biostadt India Ltd.
Biostadt India Ltd. is an Indian brand.This is the youngest member of the cohort. Founded in 2003, Biostadt has beenexploring new ways to boost crop production, keeping its Indian-ness intact.Even in its short span of operating, it has managed to give tough competitionto established players of global biostimulant companies’ market.
Andermatt Biocontrol
Andermatt Biocontrol started operating in1988. Soon, this Swiss organization became the face of globally operatingbiostimulant companies. It has taken the pledge of eliminating all the harmfulpesticides with better and improved biological alternatives. Andermatt isgradually picking up momentum in European market.
Koopert is at the forefront of innovating improved crop productiontechniques. It is headquartered in the Netherlands. Koopert was started in 1967and has mastered the craft of diffusing traditional techniques with latesttechnologies.
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BASF is the leader of the biostimulant industry. This chemicalgiant is famous for its knowledge of chemicals. All of this is possible becauseof its world-class R&D division. It uses state-of-the-art technologies toexplore newer and improved ways that positively impact global societies.
Trade Corporation International
Trade Corporation International works under itsparent enterprise – ‘Sapec’. Tradecorp is widely used to refer to this Spanishbrand. It took its first steps in 1985 and soon became a household name due toits rapid expansion strategies.
Micromix Plant Health Ltd.
Micromix Plant Health Ltd. is a biotechnology companythat pushes the boundaries of science to bring out economical solutions. Itssolutions are eco-friendly and help in boosting the crops production in anatural way.
Italpollina’s aims to conserve nature. Since its initialdays, the organization has focused on serving customers with eco-friendlysolutions. It has the largest network of sales in this entire industry. It hasexperienced a spike in business due to its futuristic approach towardsconservation of nature.
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VerifiedMarket Research
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