
Numerous website owners avoid website audits because they are too expensive and they do not understand how they can help. Individuals who are determined to keep their site’s relevant and to monitor their search engine optimization performance understand the importance of SEO audit. Optimization strategies and techniques continue to evolve and search engines compel businesses to reassess their optimization strategies. For those determined to invest in a professional audit, the question is how to do an SEO audit.
How to Use SEO Audit to Track Changes
Audits are necessary for they enable you to track and monitor your findings and the improvements that are made to your website. It is recommended to have a SEO audit every year provided you can afford it to make sure:
• Your content is up to date and relevant to users
• There are no broken links on your website
• Your site has not been affected by Google’s algorithms
• Your site was not penalized by Google
• Your site does not have technical problems that prevent it from ranking well
• Your optimization efforts pay off and they render results
• You stay on top of Google’s updates
• You deliver a great user experience
When it comes to websites, there are things that need to be improved all the time. For this reason, most website owners prefer to invest in professional search engine optimization on a regular basis so that they maintain their website in a top condition. Audits are necessary for businesses that rely on their website to generate traffic and sales. Although there are various tools available online these days that can help you check your ranking, your SEO score and see where you stand, it is best to hire an experienced auditor to help you with this task. Should you choose to invest in a professional SEO audit you will receive detailed information regarding all the aspects of your website.
If you do not have much search engine optimization experience you probably do not know how to check for Google penalties, how to check domain search appearance, how to check technical aspects, om-page and off-page issues and so on. Search engine optimization is now widely used to attract more customers and to enhance their loyalty and the good news is that it works. Website owners who want to have a clear idea of their SEO impact need a professional audit that will review aspects such as page load speed, Google penalties, server issues, technical SEO and others.
How to Do an SEO Audit
Before you contact an experienced auditor, you should establish why you want to have your website audited. Do you have problems with the ranking? Have you invested in optimization services and you are not happy with the results? Have you ignored your website for a while and you would like to know what to do to get it back on the right track? Once you have decided why you need an audit, the next thing you have to do is to hire an agency that can help you. Most website owners would like to know how to do an SEO audit and to obtain the best value for their money.
When auditing a website there are some essential steps that should not be ignored and these are: accessibility, indexability, on-page ranking factors, off-page ranking factors and competitive analysis. Search engines should be able to access your website easily and if they don’t, your ranking will suffer. You should eliminate the pages that block web crawlers, you should fix url errors and create a XML sitemap. When it comes to indexability, you should make sure your website does not have a Google penalty, see how many pages are indexed, search the keywords that are relevant to your business and search for duplicate content.
How to do an SEO audit is a frequent question, especially among website owners who are not happy with their website’s performance. An audit should provide a traffic overview so that you know how much traffic your websites receives daily, weekly and monthly, whether your traffic has increased or decreased, which keywords bring the most traffic and what are the main sources of the traffic.
Why SEO Audit Should Be Left to Professionals
As you can see, performing an SEO audit by using the tools available online can be tedious, time-consuming and nerve wrecking. It is best to leave this task to professionals in this field that have the expertise and the tools to audit your website effectively. They master the art of optimization; they are up to date with the latest changes in search engine optimization and they know what needs to be done to stay on top of Google’s search engine updates.
When you avail professional help, you can rest assured you will receive detailed results and you will be able to solve your site’s problems faster thanks to the information you receive. It is not every day that you decide to have your website audited and it is in your best interest to make sure you work with a reliable agency, one with an impeccable reputation and years of experience. The authority of a website has become very important for Google and this is why you should focus on creating a name for yourselves in the digital landscape, on building your brand and promoting it properly. To gain authority you need quality back links, you need relevant sites that link to yours, you need to show Google that you are a trusted source in your niche.
To summarize, it is quite clear that audits have become a must for those who care about their website’s success. The question is how to do an SEO audit to get the best results and whom you should rely on for this important task. Being cheap and trying to audit your website yourselves just to save some money is not recommended, for the results you will obtain do not equal those provided by an experienced auditor.