
Then head into Nijel's Point or Shadowprey Village
in WoW WoTLK Classic, Desolace is WoTLK Classic Gold a place that's aptly named. It's home to one or two quests as well as unknown NPCs and towns, but at the same time it is mandatory for everyone to travel to the area for certain quests and items as well as resources. In contrast to other zones that are isolated, Desolace has the unique ability to frustrate players from both Alliance players as well as Horde players in equal measure, not only because it's difficult to access, and also because it's hard to miss.
Do you want to boost your level of your character's cooking to 200? Then head into Nijel's Point or Shadowprey Village to find an obscure trainer selling a book available only on this site. Trying to get attuned to onyxia? Onyxia raid? Take a walk along the streets of this area until Rexxar appears. She's an important creature that comes from World of Warcraft's lore that's part of the quest chain that leads to her lair.
Updated on December 28th, 2022. by Kristy Ambrose: Now that The Burning Crusade from WoW WoTLK Classic has been operating for some time, the zenith of final-game raiding has moved to Outland. But that does not mean that players have no interest in the WoW WoTLK Classic raids, and Onyxia is still full in-slot best-of-the-best (BiS) items that players can use to be the first boss from the raid that Azeroth ever encountered. Although you may not care regarding your Cooking or Fishing ability in the near future every player will need to be able to Desolace.
About Desolace
Desolace is WoTLK Gold an open zone along the western coastline of Kalimdor. The area is mostly barren, savage wastelands or grey sands and rocks, a stark contrast to some of the more picturesque zones such as Feralas towards the South. The terrain is full of deadly tribes of centaurs pesky lizards and carrion bords and precious resources such as grave moss, iron, and mithril. It's a 30-40 level zone that's not held by either faction, which creates a fertile place for PvP.