
Agricultural Micronutrients
Agricultural Micronutrients, such as chloride, molybdenum, copper, boron, nickel, manganese, and zinc, play a significant role in plant growth and metabolism. Insufficient micronutrients in the soil can hamper plant growth, despite having sufficient levels of nutrients present. These micronutrients are employed by plants in small quantities. For many micronutrients, crop uptake is less than one pound per acre. Thus, agricultural micronutrients are crucial for plant growth, and play a significant role in balancing crop nutrition.
With increasing food demand as a result of increasing global population, the demand for Agricultural Micronutrients can be increasing with a rapid pace. In line with the United Nations, the present population of the United States is 333,066,677 by July 26, 2021. Moreover, world population of 7.3 billion is expected to achieve 8.5 billion by 2030 and 9.7 billion by 2050. Thus, there's an increasing demand for agricultural micronutrients throughout the world. Micronutrients are among the major groups of nutrients; they include vitamins and minerals.
However, the weather/climatic conditions are major factors that affect the demand and sale of Agricultural Micronutrients.Lots of research has been conducted and farmers are working very hard to produce their crops yield better and increase their productivity. Because of global warming, heat waves, drought and flood, farmers are facing difficulties with pest attack and diseases. On the contrary, in the past few years, many new crops, such as lettuce and spinach, have cultivated in good sized quantities as a result of favorable climate conditions.
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