
The Way to Locate the curious Slime Serpent within World of Warcraft Classic TBC
Mounts are usually adored collectibles for wow tbc classic gold, as they provide a quicker way to travel around Azeroth and are a great addition to the World of Warcraft Classic TBC. For a while, it was apparent that there was one mount that World of Warcraft Classic TBC fans simply could not locate that was the Slime Serpent. It's a massive, snakelike creature with massive, sharp teeth. It was first believed to have a journal entry which stated that players might encounter it in or around Plaguefall which is among the Maldraxxus Dungeons. People in Discord's WoW Secrets group on Discord had a difficult time figuring out what the most appropriate combination of actions to take to unlock this mount for free. Then, however, it seems the mystery has been solved.
The unlocking of your Slime Serpent mount in World of Warcraft Classic TBC is an easy task. It is a matter of beating the two bosses that will be defeated in the Plaguefall Dungeon in a single player in Heroic or Mythic difficulty. Certain classes and builds might have more difficulty than others. A reason for why the mount was difficult to locate could be because the quest to defeat the final two bosses unlocks a secret quest that most players don't know to look for. Here's how you can unlock the Slime Serpent mount in World of Warcraft Classic TBC.
In order to unlock to unlock the Slime Serpent mount in World of Warcraft Classic TBC Players have to complete Margrave Stradama or Domina Venomblade in Plaguefall dungeon, either at Heroic as well as Mythic difficulty. The process will result in the quest to be a brief one, where players will discover and unlock the mount. At the time of writing we aren't sure the other requirements for the mount, such as a particular level or amount of Renown required, but as of it is, so far, no fans have complained of any significant barriers beyond the hard combats required to get the mount.
It's not easy to solo these particular bosses at higher difficulty in particular for non-tank classes. Tank classes with higher level equipment such as Vengeance Demon Hunters Warlocks, and Beast Mastery Hunters are the least likely to struggle when trying to defeat Margrave and Domina all on their own. The players who struggle might have better luck getting the mount by leveling up an alt and then completing Plaguefall by using an alt instead.
When going to after getting after the Slime Serpent mount, players are able to skip the initial two bosses in Plaguefall by advancing to the left of them. They will really only need to face the Trash mobs when they go to Domina. Combating Domina shouldn't be too difficult, so long as players employ DPS attack against the Brood Assassin adds and get out of the stealth zone before they can inflict a large chunk of damage. Margrave's fight, while still difficult, should be pretty easy for those who are skilled in the game as it is avoided by players Infectious Rain attack , as well as dodge and then defeat the tentacle that she summons.
After completing the fight with Margrave The players will have to go back to Domina's fighting arena with cheap wow classic tbc gold. One of the easiest ways to do it is to return by exiting the same way that the player entered the final boss's room by climbing the stairs, and making use of the teleportation tiles in an alcove that is to the left.