
The kidneys are in charge of filtering the blood for urea and extra minerals. These substances are usually excreted in the urine. Significant quantities of these minerals can, in some cases, build up in the kidneys, making crystal-like stones.
When kidney stones form, they can pass through the ureter and inhibit urine flow. As a result, you may experience intense pain, including flank pain, blood in the urine, nausea, and vomiting. The kidneys can cause serious bladder problems, frequent urination, and pain as they flow down from the ureter to the bladder.
Hence, people have questions regarding; how to pass a kidney stone. Well, passing a kidney stone depends on multiple factors such as size, location, and other factors. However, there are many ways to pass kidney stones.

Here we have mentioned some of them;
1. Drink lots of water
Staying hydrated is the most important factor in passing kidney stones. Staying hydrated helps keep your urethra clean and infection-free by preventing mineral build-up. Hydration is among the major stages of passing a kidney stone.
Drinking plenty of fluids, particularly plain water and citrus juices like orange or grapefruit, is the best natural remedy for getting the stone to pass. The extra fluid generates you to urinate more frequently, which aids in the movement of the stone and inhibits it from growing. At least 2 to 3 quarts of water per day is recommended.
2. Eat more diuretic foods
Increase your intake of diuretic foods to keep your body hydrated through food. It is advisable to include diuretic foods like asparagus, beets, celery, cucumbers, melon, and other vegetables in your daily diet.
3. Avoid high-oxalate diet
Avoiding an oxalate-rich diet is necessary for preventing kidney stone problems. Foods that normally raise oxalate levels in the body include spinach, beets, and almonds. Hence, try substituting it with low-oxalate foods, such as chocolate and berries.
4. Lithotripsy Treatment
This treatment is necessary if the size of kidney stones is too large. It has two types: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and Ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy.
ESWL is a treatment that uses a variety of shock waves in your entire body. The shocks cause vibrations in your urinary tract, which help in breaking up kidney stones into smaller parts. They can be passed naturally once they’ve been broken up.
The aim of ureteroscopy with a laser lithotripsy process, like ESWL, is to minimize the dimension of kidney stones so they can pass normally. Kidney stones are focused and lowered to dust and microscopic passable fragments using small, very powerful lasers.
5. Cut-down animal protein intake
Uric acid levels are raised by eating a high-protein diet that includes meat, fish, eggs, and seafood. You have to limit your intake of daily animal protein to a pack of playing cards.
So, these are the best ways for your query on how long to pass kidney stones. Each experience with kidney stones, whether you’ve had them before or are facing them for the first time, will be different. Some stones can pass naturally, while others may require surgery.
If you’ve had kidney stones before, you’re more likely to get them again. Therefore, if you’re undergoing pain or discomfort, make an appointment with your urologist.
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