
Research your target audience and learn more about their needs to find potential users. Learn more about the demographics and behavioral trends of your users. Integrate advanced features like AI to enhance the user experience by optimizing the user feed based on their activity and interaction on the platform with other users.
Choose your monetization model wisely by determining the scalability and operations of your business. Advertising can be an effective way to boost your overall revenue. Furthermore, there are other advertising terms include cost per click, cost per mille, cost per action, etc., that you need to be familiar with. Discuss with your development team to learn in-depth about each process.
During the first phase, the developers will explain to you about the cost estimation, project planning, and requirement elicitation. The elements mentioned above require your maximum attention as they will help to build a strong business strategy. By defining your business’s scope to the development team, you will be able to finalize your unique selling proposition and monetization strategy. Following these steps will guarantee the success of your application in the market. The popularity of social media apps is towering every day with the audience. Make sure that your app offers something more valuable than users have never seen before in other applications.
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