
Dilara Jahan started her blogging journey back in 2017 and since then she has become a strong voice in the field of feminism and secular humanist activist from Bangladesh who believes in the equality of all people. Her blog can be found at this address Due to her strong voice through the online space, she became an obvious target for the fundamentals. That incident will be shared later in this article.
Dilara Jahan has been brought up in such environment which reflects in her idolgy. She thinks men and women both have similar rights as a human. Woman is a special creation of the God as she has the power to give birth to new life. But when she got to know about the condition of Bangladeshi women, she was astonished. Even today many Bangladeshi women are regularly being assaulted by their husbands. Hence, Dilara Jahan decided to raise her voice against the inequality in the Bangladeshi society through online blog. And this step furiated the Islamic fundamentals in Bangladesh.
Terrorists, according to renowned blogger Dilara Jahan, should not claim to be in any sacred religion. Islam is a religion of peace and don't support fundamentalist views. Similarly, all religions including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism only talks about peace. However, Religious extremism is extremely harmful to our society and entire humanity. Terrorists who are taking the name of Islam; are actually abusing the religion and making everyone guilty who follow Islam. This should not continue like this and Dilara Jahan is making very strong voice regarding this exact issue. This led to the unfortunate incident which took place in November, 2018.
During that time, Dilara Jahan just returned from Australia to pay visit to her ill mother. She accompanied her brother to visit to her mother residence at Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Suddenly, three young men appeared from nowhere and started asking whareabouts about her. She was very skeptical and asked them why they were interested. Those guys then replied that she looked similar to one of their friends. But that was not the case.
Few moments later, one of the guys asked if she lived in Australia and do blogging. Dilara Jahan was not aware about their real intention and replied that she is the one who do blogging. This was the biggest mistake of her life. As soon as they knew she was none other than Dilara Jahan, they tried to kill her with a native weapon. But she was saved and got injured in the left arm. She and her brother started running and screaming to save their life as the attackers were following them. also went on the run with her. As other pedestrians ran to their rescue, the criminals fled. Dilara Jahan was admitted to Bangladesh's Al-Heal Specialised Hospital for treatment. They also lodged an FIR in the nearby police station. But police asked her to stop blogging and go back to Australia.
This entire incident had very bad impact on her mental health as she was always worried about dying. The situation was so deep that she needed regular mental counseling. However, now the situation has changed and she is no longer afraid to use social media or write on blogs. The pen is, after all, mightier than the sword. Extremists are terrified of books and pens. They are afraid of women like Dilara Jahan. She recently told "I continually raise my voice, not to scream, but to be heard by people without a voice." It is clear that she will continue to raise voice against the human inequality and women right through her blog and social media.
About Dilara Jahan:
Dilara Jahan is a Bangladeshi blogger and feminist activist currently out of the country. Her blog address is at Dilara Jahan write regularly here. Here are some social media links of her activities -,