
Coal bed methane (CBM) is a form of natural gas that is commonly found in coal seams or coal deposits. Coal bed methane is formed during the process of coalification by transforming plant material into coal. It can be considered a clean energy source of natural gas. It is also used as a clean-burning fuel (also known as compressed natural gas) for multiple industrial and domestic uses. It is used for a wide range of applications which include power generation, transportation, manufacturing, and other similar applications. According to NES Fircroft, the Rio Grande LNG project, worth around US$ 15 billion, is currently undergoing development under its subsidiary Rio Grande LNG. The feed gas pipeline is expected to be built and operated by the end of 2023. An increase in demand from the power generation sector along with an increase in natural gas projects acts as the major driver for the market. On the other hand, environmental issues associated with the extraction of coal bed methane are most likely to confine the market growth.