
Roots Analysis has done a detailed study on Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2019 - 2030”, covering various important aspects of the industry and identifying key future growth opportunities.
Roots Analysis has done a detailed study on Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2019 - 2030”, covering various important aspects of the industry and identifying key future growth opportunities.
To order this 550+ page report, which features 160+ figures and 250+ tables, please visit this - https://www.rootsanalysis.com/reports/view_document/cell-therapy-manufacturing/285.html
Key Market Insights
- More than 100 industry players and over 60 non-industry players currently claim to manufacture different types of cell therapies, either for in-house requirements or on contract basis
- The market is fragmented, featuring both established players and new entrants, which claim to operate at various scales and manufacture a diverse range of cell therapies
- In order to cater to the growing needs of clients / sponsors, companies have established presence across different regions; presently, the US, the UK and China are the key hubs for cell therapy manufacturing
- In recent years, a significant increase in partnership activity has been observed in this domain; in fact, therapy developers have already inked manufacturing deals with both indigenous and international experts
- In order to enhance core competencies related to the domain, both drug developers and CMOs are actively investing in expanding their existing infrastructure and capabilities
- Cell therapy manufacturers are also gradually opting to automate various operations in the supply chain; the primary objective is to achieve favorable bench-to-clinic timelines and cut down on production related losses
- Currently, the installed global capacity for cell therapy manufacturing is estimated to be spread across 2+ million square feet of dedicated cleanroom area distributed across various scales of operation
- More than 70,000 patients were estimated to have been enrolled in cell therapy related clinical trials; the demand for cell therapies is anticipated to grow significantly over the next decade
- Revenues from manufacturing operations of T-cell therapies are anticipated to capture higher market share; the benefit will be realized by both autologous and allogeneic therapies across different regions the world
- Clinical scale manufacturing operations are likely to drive the future market size, taking into consideration both in-house and contract service requirements
For more information, please visit https://www.rootsanalysis.com/reports/view_document/cell-therapy-manufacturing/285.html
Table of Contents
1.1. Scope of the Report
1.2. Research Methodology
1.3. Chapter Outlines
Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415