The cell therapy manufacturing market is estimated to reach close to USD 11 Billion by 2030, predicts Roots Analysis
The cell therapy manufacturing market is estimated to reach close to USD 11 Billion by 2030, predicts Roots Analysis
Manufacturing cell therapies is technically and financially demanding; as a result, despite therapy developers gradually strengthening their in-house expertise.

Roots Analysis is pleased to announce the publication of its recentstudy, titled, “Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market (3rdEdition), 2019 - 2030.”


The report features an extensive study of the currentmarket landscape and future opportunities associated with cell therapymanufacturing. It focuses on both contract manufacturers, as well as developerswith in-house manufacturing facilities, offering in-depth analyses of thevarious business entities that are engaged in this domain, across differentglobal regions. Amongst other elements, the report includes:

§ An analysis of the various expansion initiatives undertakenby service providers, in order to augment their respective cell therapy manufacturingcapabilities, over the period 2015-2019.

§ An analysis of the recent partnerships focused on themanufacturing of cell-based therapies, which have been established in theperiod 2014-2019.

§ Informed estimates of the annual commercial and clinicaldemand for cell therapies, in terms of number of cells produced and areadedicated to manufacturing.

§ An estimate of the overall, installed capacity formanufacturing cell-based therapies based on information reported by industrystakeholders in the public domain A competitiveness analysis of biologicaltargets, featuring insightful pictorial summaries and representations.

§ A detailed analysis of the various factors that are likelyto influence the pricing of cell-based therapies, featuring different models /approaches that may be adopted by manufacturers while deciding the prices oftheir proprietary offerings.

§ A qualitativeanalysis, highlighting the various factors that need to be taken intoconsideration by cell therapy developers while deciding whether to manufacturetheir respective products in-house or engage the services of a CMO.

§ An elaborate discussion on the role of automationtechnologies in improving current manufacturing methods.

§ A discussion on celltherapy manufacturing regulations across various geographies, including NorthAmerica, Europe, and Asia Pacific.

§ Elaborate profiles of key players (industry andnon-industry) that offer contract manufacturing services.

§ A discussion on affiliated trends, key drivers andchallenges, which are likely to impact the industry’s evolution, under acomprehensive SWOT framework.

§ A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of thecurrent and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listedbelow)

§  Typeof therapy

§  T-celltherapies (CAR-T therapies, TCR therapies, TIL therapies)

§  Dendriticcell therapies

§  Tumorcell therapies

§  NKcell therapies

§  Stemcell therapies


§ Source of cells

§ Autologous

§ Allogeneic


§  Scaleof operation

§ Clinical

§ Commercial


§  Purposeof manufacturing

§ Contract manufacturing

§ In-house manufacturing


§  Keygeographical regions

§  North America

§  Europe

§  Asia Pacific

§  Rest of the world


Keycompanies covered in the report

§ BioNTech Innovative Manufacturing Services

§ Cell Therapies

§ Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult

§ Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of Medicine

§ Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland, National Universityof Ireland

§ Clinical Cell and Vaccine Production Facility, Universityof Pennsylvania

§ Cognate BioServices


§ Guy’s and St. Thomas’ GMP Facility, Guy’s Hospital

§ Hitachi Chemical

§ KBI Biopharma

§ Laboratory for Cell and Gene Medicine, Stanford University

§ Lonza

§ MaSTherCell


§ Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics, University ofMinnesota

§ Newcastle Cellular Therapies Facility, Newcastle University

§ Nikon CeLL innovation

§ Rayne Cell Therapy Suite, King’s College London

§ Roslin Cell Therapies

§ Scottish National Blood Transfusion Services CellularTherapy Facility, Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine

§ Sydney Cell and Gene Therapy

§ WuXi Advanced Therapies


For additionaldetails, please visit


You may also beinterested in the following titles:

1.    Cell and AdvancedTherapies Supply Chain Management Market, 2019-2030

2.    RNAi TherapeuticsMarket (2nd Edition), 2019 – 2030

3.    Gene Therapy Market(3rd Edition), 2019 – 2030

4.    Stem Cell TherapyContract Manufacturing Market, 2019-2030



Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415