
Buying and selling has moved heavily to the business networking world in the past decade. It used to be newspaper ads, tenders, yellow pages, phone calls and other means for business owners to find out who is looking to buy or who is looking to sell products that they need. The whole exercise used to be a cumbersome affair. But with the advent of online marketing and online marketplaces, even some of the biggest companies in the world have found their way to these online b2b platforms to buy and sell their products.
While much of these transactions are between businesses few platforms also facilitate exchanges between business and end-customer. However, it goes without saying that these online platforms have eased the lives of businesses looking to buy and sell. But is there an online platform that has the best user interface and is the easiest for any one with basic computer skills to use and do business in?
B2Bmap. The only online platform in the world that is the most user-friendly and navigated very easily. Buyers can easily post their buying requirements on their profile which can then be accessed by sellers across the world. Requesting quotes from suppliers is as easy as it gets as is request for a quotation form. Sellers can also upload their product catalogs on B2BMap and promote their products online. Apart from this, buyers can also visit their website directly and they can strike a deal as they see fit.
Even within the business network, buyers can fill the Request For Quotation form to post their buying requirement. This will enable them to get quotes from verified suppliers all over the world and then transact accordingly. With no registration required, is essentially the most comprehensive online buyer-seller platform for businesses to attract clients from every nook and corner of the world.