
Solar power system in sri lanka, Solar power solutions in sri lanka, Solar system in sri lanka
We are high quality solarpanels & world’s best inverters. EntekLanka the leading solar energy EPC service offer solar power system and solutions in SriLanka.
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Sun oriented for your Home
Envision your future saddling long stretches of freeboundless daylight day by day to securely control your home and increment yourvitality autonomy. It is a keen and long haul venture with a zero power billadding to likewise bring down your carbon impression by creating sustainablepower source!
Sun based for your Company
EntekLanka the main sun based vitality EPC specialistorganization offers sun powered arrangements intended to boost the arrival onspeculation. With a profoundly talented EPC group comprising of skill inbuilding and innovation, each undertaking creates more noteworthy incentivewith various client experience.
Sun based as an Investment
Enteklanka Utility Scale Solar Projects and Solutionsguarantees the most noteworthy nature of principles with a group of specialistsworked in task advancement, framework configuration, building and financing.Our consistently extending item and administration portfolio empowers to offerclients a "one-stop" arrangement that incorporates coordinatedstructure, quicker organization and lower framework costs.
8% advance to get sun based for your home
Concessionary credit for household and business shoppers
We are satisfied to advise that a credit plan to advancehousetop sunlight based power age frameworks has been built up with specialterms through money related help from Asian Development Bank (ADB). The creditline will be overseen by the Ministry of Finance and Mass Media (MOFMM) andassets will be diverted to the recipients through chose Participating FinancialInstitutions (PFI).
Partaking Financial Institutions
The credit line is available to household and businessclients through ten Participating Financial Institutions (PFI). If it's not toomuch trouble contact the closest part of any of the accompanying PFIs to get tothe credit office.
EntekLanka Avurudu Offer
Get free proficient counsel and unique limits this avuruduseason from Sri Lanka's chief sun based vitality arrangements supplier EntekLanka. You should simply essentially round out the structure connectedunderneath and we will deal with the rest. This astounding offer will beaccessible just from eighth to 30th April 2019. So don't miss it out, pick upthe pace and get enrolled now.
Entek lanka is an ABB seller
Entek Lanka is the pioneer in sun oriented arrangements inSri Lanka, entered in to a vendor of universes # 1 inverter produce on theplanet (ABB) . Highlighting the most recent advanced innovation, ABB's answershave been intended to drive down framework costs and convey higher rates ofprofitability for sun oriented applications.
As a spearheading innovation pioneer in advanced businesses,ABB will feature its sun-to-attachment answers for the fate of vitality fromStand B2.210, as the organization imagines and rethinks sun powered throughdigitalization.
411/B/2/2, Athurugiriya Road, Malabe
+94 115 811 665
Mon.-Fri.: 10-20 Sun.: 12-16
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