
MPPSC stands for MADHYA PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, which is anentrance exam that is conducted for recruiting experts in the stateadministrative vacancies for the state of Madhya Pradesh. MPPSC examination isa state level examination that offers government jobs to subject experts whosit down for the online test in the MP Civil Services exam. Being one of themost prestigious careers in the country, MPPSC stands in line with other Statecivil services exams like UPSC, PPSC, RPSC, and others.
The selection process involves 3 stages, namely; preliminary test, main testand a face to face interview. While acareer in the state of Civil Services might sound exquisite, it isn’t that easyto attain. Candidates need to go through vigorous MPPSC Exam to land a job as aState Administrative Service and Deputy Collector, State Police Service andDeputy Superintendent of Police, Commercial Tax Officer, etc. The MPPSC Examtest the students and their Aptitude, Analytical reasoning, and generalknowledge skills. There is also a language test that examines the essay writingability of the students. Millions of candidates wish to build their future asan MPPSC officer by appearing in the entrance exam that can help them get anentry into the process of selection. If you are an ambitious candidate whowishes to get a job as an MPPSC Officer, you can opt for MPPSC coaching in Indore to attain theright understanding and skills to appear in the entrance exam for a seat inMPPSC. We brings to you MPPSC coaching in Indore that offer qualitytraining, thus guaranteeing you pass the MPPSC Exam entrance exam with flyingcolors.
Eligibility criterion for opting forMPPSC coaching in Indore
The following students are eligible for taking MPPSC coaching in Indore.
- Candidate with a graduation degree or pursuing one degree is eligible to apply for MPPSC exam
- The minimum age to qualify for the MPPSC exam is 21 years and the maximum is 40 years
Significant features of MPPSCcoaching in Indore
Reputed MPPSC Exam classes in Indore assure thefollowing facilities:
- Comprehensive MPPSC Exam syllabus based solely on the subjects tested for examination
- Thorough classroom training given by subject experts and professional teachers
- Exhaustive and detailed practice tests on every topic
- Regular, full-length mock tests to prepare for the main exam
- Specific language classes held for students to brush up their Essay writing and general Hindi language skills
Career opportunities available oncompleting MPPSC Exam classes
On completing professional MPPSC coaching in Indore, a candidate getsto take up a job profile as mentioned in the following table.
Post | Pay Scale |
State Administrative Service and Deputy Collector | Rs 15,600/- Rs 39,100/- |
State Police Service and Deputy Superintendent of Police | Rs 15,600/- Rs 39,100/- |
Finance Department | Rs 15,600/- Rs 39,100/- |
Public Relations Department | Rs 15,600/- Rs 39,100/- |
Food, Civil Supply & Consumer Affairs Department | Rs 15,600/- Rs 39,100/- |
School Education Department | Rs 15,600/- Rs 39,100/- |
Social Justice & Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities | Rs 15,600/- Rs 39,100/- |
Revenue Department | Rs 9,300/- Rs 34,800/- |
Finance Department | Rs 9,300/- Rs 34,800/- |
MPPSC Exam centers
The MPPSC Exam Constable Entrance examination is held at 51 exam centersacross the states, however, the main exam centers are as follows.
- Indore
- Ujjain
- Jabalpur
- Guuna
- Betul
- Katni
- Neemach
- Rajgarh
- Sagar
- Shivpuri
- Panna
- Cahttarpur
- Dhar
- Sivani
- Anupnagar
- Shajapur
How can I registerfor the exam?
Follow the following step by step guide to registerfor the bank and MPPSC Exam of your choice.
- Go to the official website of Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission
- Click on the link that goes to register (registration details will be created here)
- Complete the registration process by submitting relevant documents, like photograph, signature, identity cards, thumb impressions etc.
- Fill the application form and pay the application fee which is Rs. 250 for SC/ST/OBC/PWD of Madhya Pradesh and Rs. 500 for others
- Once, registered, you will get notifications for the exam along with all the essential details on the registered number and email id
How is the MPPSCExam selection process carried out?
The MPPSC Exam exam’s selection process follows thefollowing steps.
- Preliminary Examination (MCQ)
- Mains Examination (Written/Subjective examination) with Hindi and Essay Writing exams
- Interview (Personality Test)