
Sanitary Napkin Market to Reach Value of US$ 33,951.6 Mn by 2029
According to a new market report published by IndustryProbe ( titled ‘SanitaryNapkin Market (Type: Disposable Napkin (6 - 8 Napkin, 8- 15 Napkin, 15 - 20Napkin and More than 20 Napkin), Reusable Napkin (1 - 4 Napkin, 4 - 7 Napkin,and More than 7 Napkin); Coverage Type: Soft Coverage and Dry Coverage; Size:Regular, Large and Extra Large; Style: Wings and Without Wings; Usage: Day andNight; Distribution Channel: Online (Company Owned Website, E- commerce Website) and Offline(Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Pharmacies, Convenience Stores, and Brand Stores))– Global Industry Dynamics 2018-19, Trends and Forecast, 2020–2027)) the global sanitary napkin marketis expected to reach US$ 33,941.9 Mn by 2027 and expand at a CAGR of 5.5% from2019 to 2027.
· The global sanitary napkin market was valued at US$ 20,943.1 Mn in 2018 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.9 % from 2019 to 2027
· North America heldthe dominant share of the global sanitary napkin market in 2017 followed by Europeand Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific is anticipated to be a key market for sanitarynapkins during the forecast period. Increasing consumer spending capacities, poormenstrual hygiene-related diseases, and availability of sanitary napkins is projectedto lead to the rapid growth of the sanitary napkin market during the forecastperiod.
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Driving Factors
· Rising popularity of disposable sanitary napkins is a major factor drivingthe global sanitary napkin market
· Other factors, including as increase in disposable income, purchasingpower, and population of working women are expected to accelerate the growth ofthe sanitary napkin market during the forecast period. Socio-cultural changesare also likely to drive the global sanitary napkin market during the forecastperiod.
· Several other non-profit organizations also provide hygiene educationand awareness programs to women. NGOs and government organizations are takinginitiatives to provide free access to sanitary napkins. For instance, Femmeinternational’s Feminine Health Management (FHM) program by OperationGroundswell aims to provide school girls with the education and tools necessaryto stay safe and healthy.
Key Challenges
· Disposable sanitary napkins create more waste and have an adverse impacton the environment, as these sanitary napkin require about 500–800 years todecompose. Thousands of tons of sanitary napkin waste are generated every monthacross the world. This is expected to hamper the overall growth of the marketduring the forecast period.
Market Preference
· In terms of type, the disposable sanitary napkin is expected to witnesshigh demand during the forecast period. As compared to reusable sanitary napkins,disposable sanitary napkins are preferred in sports and fitness application.Disposable sanitary napkins provides better leakage protection and are ecofriendly.These factors are expected to increase the demand for disposable sanitarynapkins.
· In terms of coverage type, the dry coverage segment held a major share ofthe global sanitary napkin market. Dry sanitary napkins provide good coverage, usedduring heavy flow days, and are comfortable.
· Based on size, the extra-large segment is expected to hold a major shareof the sanitary napkin market and grow at a rapid rate during the forecastperiod
· On the basis of style, the wings segment is expected to hold a majorshare of the sanitary napkin market and expand at a high rate during theforecast period. Increasing number of working women has driven more women touse wings style sanitary napkins.
· In terms of usage, the night segment is expected to hold a major share ofthe sanitary napkin market and expand at the significant rate during theforecast period.
· In terms of distribution channel, online is likely to be the mostattractive segment during the forecast period. Social media also adds to onlinesales, as consumers often rely on internet learning and blogs about new trendsand products, which decide their buying behavior.
· Based on region, North America is anticipated to hold a major market shareof the global sanitary napkin market, followed by Europe and Asia Pacific
Competition Landscape
· The global sanitary napkin market is dominated by several players whoare focused on the development of new products to cater to the rising andshifting consumer preferences
· The report includes the below mentioned pointers of major playersoperating in the global sanitary napkin market:
Ø CompetitionMatrix
Ø CompanyOverview
Ø MarketShare Analysis (2018)
Ø ProductInnovation
Ø ProductComparison
Ø BusinessStrategies / Recent Developments
§ Technologicaladvancements
§ Keymergers & acquisitions
§ Expansionstrategies
Ø CompanyFinancials
MajorPlayers Covered Under the Scope Include-
Ø Edgewell Personal Care Company. Ø Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc
Ø Kao Corporation Ø Procter & Gamble
Ø Unicharm Corporation, Inc. Ø Kimberly – Clark
Ø Bodywise (UK) Ltd Ø Essity Aktiebolag
Ø TZMO Ø Ontex International N.V
Ø Hengan International Group Company Limited
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