
Robotics Robotics
Welcome :
Bricks 4 Kidzwas brought into Singapore through the owners’ strong desire to create astimulating and creative enrichment environment where kids can focus on playingwithout the excessive emphasis on learning. But at the end of the day, will still be able to be intellectuallyengaged in the process.
This desire has driven the owners to Florida to bepersonally trained on the curriculum of Bricks 4 Kidz before opening the firstof its kind facility in Singapore!
The spirit and philosophy of Bricks 4 Kidz is in line withrecent focus on the principle of ‘purposeful play’ in designing preschoolprogrammes. This principle is guided byplacing equal focus on both learning and play.
CreativeLearning Corporation (CLCN), operating under the trade name Bricks 4Kidz®, offers an exciting, educational experience for children ages 3 – 12+,where we learn, we build, we play… with LEGO® bricks. Through a uniquefranchise business model that includes a proprietary Franchise Marketing Tool(FMT), our specially designed program utilizes theme-based LEGO® model buildingto provide opportunities for problem-solving and help kids develop anappreciation for how things work. All this takes place while kids are havingfun and socializing in a safe, relaxed learning environment.
Get your kids started!
This is a hands-on class where students will design andbuild machines, catapults, pyramids, derby cards, buildings and otherconstructions out of LEGO® bricks. While exploring engineering, architectureand physics, students will develop problem solving and critical thinkingskills.
Participants build a new project each month. Architecturalconcepts are taught while assembling buildings, bridges and other structures.
Once the project is completed, children use the rest oftheir time to expand their gadgets and collaborate with one another
Students will work in a lab-type setting using LEGO® brickswith an integrated curriculum based on math and science.
Instructional content includes concepts of friction, gravityand torque, scale, gears, axles and beams.
Part of the curriculum will include the construction of ascaled model of their elementary school.
The material covered each session will vary depending onstudents’ ages, experience, and skill level.
All material will be provided.
For children to play and socialize with friends whilelearning fundamentals of engineering and architecture in a noncompetitivesetting.
To build problem-solving skills, provide an opportunity forcreative expression and foster an appreciation of how things work.
To help students understand that Architecture andEngineering are viable career choices.
Kids already know how to build with LEGO® bricks, but with alittle coaching they can learn engineering, architecture and concepts ofphysics and mathematics using the plastic components.
Students will develop problem-solving and critical thinkingskills.
What’s a Camp about?
A camp integrates extensive amount of interaction andactivities to stimulate children’s imagination. The longer format of a campalso means that children will have the opportunity to be exposed to moreaspects of experiential learning and our Holiday Camps in Singaporeare conceptualized to intentionally capture themes that children know verywell. Besides learning concepts, a camp will allow children to build theirsocial behavior as well. Challenges are designed to allow children to work withteams to overcome assignments as well as individually to stimulate theirout-of-the-box thinking. In some, children will also get to bring home whatthey have created during the camp such as the movie they directed or comic thatthey developed.
Prepare your kid to party hard from young!
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Bricks 4 Kidz’ ideal locations are perfect for hosting allkinds of celebrations your kids. From play dates and tea parties to Kids Birthday Party in Singapore,we will endeavour to make your kids’ precious time edutaining!
All our birthday packages come with 1.5 hours of fun, gamesand 30 min for food & drinks (to be arranged by customer)- total of 2hours. We will also provide the following:
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