
RootsAnalysis has announced the addition of “RNAiTherapeutics Market (2nd Edition), 2019-2030” report to its list ofofferings.
Significantadvancements in the developmental pipeline across various oncologicaldisorders, infectious diseases and genetic disorders have amplified theinterest of various pharmaceutical establishments and have inspired researchgroups across the world, to focus their efforts on the development of RNAitherapeutics. Further, there are multiple pipeline candidates in mid tolate-stage (phase II and above) trials and are anticipated to enter the marketover the next 5-10 years.
KeyMarket Insights
Over170 RNAi therapeutics are currently under development
Nearly 30% of pipeline drugs are in the clinical phase,while the rest are either in the preclinical / discovery stage. The majority ofpipeline drug candidates are delivered using siRNA conjugated deliverytechnology platform to mitigate targeted delivery to organ / cell.
Morethan 70% of ongoing clinical trials are being conducted in North America andEurope
In total, we came across over 100 clinical trials thathave been / are being conducted across the globe. It is worth noting thataround 40% of these trials were observed to be phase II studies. Further, 75%of the active clinical trials being conducted in this domain are evaluatingsiRNAs.
Over36,000 patents were filed / granted related to RNAi therapeutics since 2014
Majority of these were patent applications (59%),followed by granted patents (40%). It is worth highlighting that both industryand non-industry players are actively involved in this domain. However,majority of the patents related to RNAi therapeutics were filed / granted byindustry players (58%).
USD5.4+ billion invested by both private and public investors, since 2014
Around USD 3 billion was raised through secondaryofferings, representing more than 50% of the total capital raised by industryplayers till July 2019. Further, there have been five instances of debtfinancing, accounting for more than USD 844 million in financing of RNAitherapeutics related initiatives.
Around65 partnerships were inked since 2014
Maximum number of deals were reported in 2018. Around 30%of the deals were related to the R&D agreements; this was followed bytechnology licensing agreements (27%).
RNAitherapeutics market is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of over 45% between2019-2030
This growth is anticipated to be primarily driven by thetarget specificity of the drug candidates. North America (primarily the US) areexpected to capture the majority share by 2030.
TheUSD 10 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the RNAi therapeutics market has been analyzed across the followingsegments:
Keytherapeutic areas
· Oncological disorders
· Infectious diseases
· Genetic disorders
· Ophthalmic disorders
· Hepatic disorders
· Respiratory disorders
Typeof RNAi molecule
· siRNA
· miRNA
· shRNA
· sshRNA
Routeof administration
· Subcutaneous
· Intravenous
· Intradermal
· Intratumoral
· Intravitreal
· Oral
· Intramuscular
Keygeographical regions
· North America
· Europe
· Asia Pacific and the Rest of the World
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