
Resorcinol Market 2021 Segmentation, Application, Technology and Analysis Forecast to 2028
Reportsand Data has added a new research study titled “Global ResorcinolMarket Trends and Forecast to 2027” to its extensive database. The Resorcinolmarket report is a comprehensive research report that offers a detailedanalysis of the Resorcinol market on the global and regional level. The reportalso presents a key analysis of the current and emerging market trends alongwith a thorough analysis of the key segments and sub-segments of the market.
Resorcinol comprises unique structuralcharacteristics for producing drug compounds presenting chemical structures andfeatures appropriate for the treatment of several human diseases. It is widelyused in the manufacture of rubber products, UV stabilization, wood adhesives,flame retardants, and many others. Resorcinol is commercially used to enhancethe adhesion of inorganic and organic reinforcing materials to rubber.
Thereport also covers the complete impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Resorcinolmarket and its key segments. The report also presents a current and futurescenario of the market in a post-pandemic case. It also offers strategicrecommendations to the key manufacturers of the industry to overcome the impactof the pandemic and to gain a strong foothold in the market.
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Thereport covers extensive analysis of the regions where the industry operates.According to the regional analysis, the market is segmented into keygeographical areas such as North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific,and the Middle East & Africa. The regions have been examined on the basisof the production and manufacturing capacities, consumption patterns, costanalysis, import/export, supply and demand ratio, current and emerging trendsof each region, and the existence of key manufacturers in each region. Based on the regional analysis, the marketis segmented into:
• North America (U.S.,Canada, Mexico)
• Europe (U.K.,Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
• Asia Pacific (India,Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
• Latin America (Chile,Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
• Middle East & Africa (SaudiArabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
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Market Drivers
The resorcinol market is projected togrow at 2.8% and reach USD 609.0 Million by 2027, according to a new report byReports and Data. Chemical compounds obtained from the resorcinol may beeffective and potent medicines. Resorcinol functions by assisting inremoving scaly, hard, or roughened skin. The discovery of such newer uses isexpected to drive market growth during the forecast period. Moreover, the growingdemand for resorcinol in tire production is one of the significant factorsinfluencing the market growth during the forecast period.
Regional Outlook
The Asia Pacific region dominated themarket in 2019 and is predicted to grow at the fastest rate during the forecastperiod. The market dominance of the region is mainly due to the growing demandfor resorcinol, as a result of a rise in production of rubber products such astires, and a rise in the level of disposable income of people in the region.Moreover, the highly developed automobile industry in the region has alsoattributed to the growth of the market. The large population base along withtheir high disposable income in the region is one of the main reasons for thegrowth of the market.
The market is further segmented on thebasis of types, applications, end-users, technology, and others.
ProductionMethod Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2017-2027 and Revenue, USD Million;2017-2027)
- Benzene Sulfonation
- Meta-Diisopropylbenzene Preoxidation
Distribution Channel Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2017-2027and Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
- Online
- Offline
Application Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; 2017-2027 andRevenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
- Rubber Products
- UV Stabilization
- Wood Adhesives
- Flame Retardants
- Others
Thereport offers a panoramic view of the competitive landscape of the Global ResorcinolMarket. The report covers comprehensive data about current and recent trends,technological advancements, and methodologies. The research document offersdetailed and concise data to assist in making strategic business decisions. Thereport offers a graphical representation of the important statistical data inthe form of tables, graphs, charts, figures, and diagrams.
Key Companies of the Resorcinol Marketare:
AlfaAesar, Dynea AS, Kraeber & Co. GmbH, Sumitomo Chemicals Co. Ltd., AtulLtd., Indspec Chemical Corporation, Jiangsu Zhongdan Chemical GroupCorporation, Akrochem Corporation, Euram Chemicals Ltd., and Sigma-Aldrich,among others.
Thereport also studies the strategic alliances of the market, such as mergers andacquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, product launches, and brandpromotions, government and corporate deals, partnerships and agreements, andothers. The report also strives to offer insightful information about thecompetition to offer a competitive edge to the readers and businesses to helpthem gain a strong footing in the market.
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Key questions addressed in the reportare:
• What isthe estimated market size and share in the forecast period?
• What arethe key driving factors of the Global Resorcinol market?
• What arethe risks and challenges the companies will have to face in the forecastperiod?
• What arethe emerging trends, and how will they influence market growth?
• What arethe opportunities for expansion of the global Resorcinol market?
• Whichregion is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period?
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