Residual Current Circuit Breaker Suppliers RCCB Online | Buy ELCB Online – Micronova Group
Residual Current Circuit Breaker Suppliers RCCB Online | Buy ELCB Online – Micronova Group
Get RCCB (Residual Current Circuit Breakers) products online with best Price List & buy ELCB and ABB RCBO products at Best Price on We are Online Suppliers, Distributors, Wholesalers, Dealers & Retailers.

Micronova group was established in the year 1983 witha vision to bring the latest Electrical, RF, and Microwave technologies fromaround the globe to Indian industries. Although the company originally startedas a sourcing and distribution company, we created strong and trustedrelationships with our customers and principals that enabled us to expand anddiversify our business.

Miniature Circuit Breaker Suppliers in Bangalore. MCBs withbreaking capacities up to 4,5 kA (S230/240, S940, etc.). We have MCBs up to 10kA breaking capacity for domestic and commercial installations (S190, S200,S250/260/270, S440, S950/970, etc.). We also have MCBs for commercial andindustrial applications with high breaking capacities and special features oraccessories (S280/290, S500, S610, S220, S700, etc.). You can also getaccessories for MCBs like - Auxiliary Contacts, Single Contacts, Shunt trip,under-voltage release, door lock, rotary handle with door coupling, motor 

drive. Also find MCBs which are the best according toindustry standards. Get them delivered to you or buy MCBs online, buy ELCB RCBO at a reasonable price. Buy Industry Trusted brand ABB MCBsfrom a reliable distributor in Bangalore. 


Buy MCB online, Residual Current CircuitBreaker suppliers which are one of the best according toindustry standards. Get them delivered to you at a reasonable price in yourpreferred location. Buy best in class branded ABB MCBs from a reliabledistributor in Bangalore.

Micronova is a leading provider anddistributor of electrical, RF, and microwave technologies from around the globeto the Indian market. We provide MCB,RCCB online, power supply, buy RCCB ELCB, ELCB online ,RCCB, pluggableinterface relay and other latest electrical accessories.