
There is an ancient study that goes way back in history and still exists until now. It is about the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs. That study is called astrology. Horoscope is also closely related to astrology. It is a diagram of the heavens, showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac, for use in calculating births and grouping them according to the date of each one’s births. Horoscopes also foretell each group’s personality traits, and can even predict what would happen in their daily lives.
Psychology gives us proofs and empirical data about a certain individual’s personality. There are tests that can be given to know an individual’s personality and empirical formulas and solutions that can back that up. Examples of these personality tests are Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Big Five Personality tests, and so on. On the other hand, Astrology and horoscope are based on the positions of the celestial bodies and the traits of the symbol that they represent. There are no empirical proofs and data to back it up unlike psychology which is considered as a real science.
In our daily lives, we tend to seek guidance in whatever kind of information we could have. For instance, when someone has no idea about what’s going to happen next, they tend to freak out and be desperate to have some information that could guide them all throughout their day. As individuals, people don’t like walking in the dark or going through life without an idea about what’s going to happen next. Whether it is curiosity, or just plain dependency, people still seek for guidance in wherever they could find it.
To some people, this is where horoscopes and astrology come in. Astrology and Horoscope define our personal characteristics and our traits through the position of the celestial bodies on the date that we were born. Astrologers believe that the positions of the celestial bodies on the day that we were born have a certain connection to us people here on earth. They also believe that they can foretell what’s going to happen in our daily lives. These are interesting thoughts and it could also possibly be helpful for us but the question is, are these information fact or fiction? Also, sometimes, people tend to rely on the horoscopes too much that they might begin to internalize the traits and characteristics that are being told to them by the horoscopes and begin acting that way. The question is, Are the horoscopes the one defining us or is it we who are defining the horoscopes?
Conclusion: In most cases it is accurate