
Children andadolescents need comprehensive, compassionate care in a family-focusedenvironment. Dr.Rajesh Subramanya Oxford ms is the one of the leading Paediatrician with infants, children andadolescents and their diseases. Dr. Rajesh Subramanya mississippi provides not only medicalcare for children who are acutely or chronically ill but also preventive healthservices for healthy children. He also provides consultation for childhooddiseases and illnesses, parenting tips, learning and development, social skillsand infant care.
Children undergo rapid physical andmental changes as they grow. Pediatricians understand this fact and assess a child’shealth status based on the normal ranges for their age.
Pediatricians can help diagnosemedical conditions in children. Depending on the condition, parents orcaregivers may take their children to a primary care pediatrician or apediatric specialist. Dr. rajeshsubramania Mississippi at Baptist Medical Hospital. Dr. rajesh Subramania Mississippi isspecialized and devoted to treat the sick and injured children.
Dr. rajesh subramania Mississippi’s program includes specialtycare, and support services providing a continuum of care for the state'syoungest residents. Special surgical and critical care facilities are equippedwith state-of-the-art and age-appropriate technology to provide young patientswith the best chance for a healthy life. Dr. rajesh subramanya oxfordms help keep children healthy by regularly checking their growth anddevelopment. He helps prevent illness by giving vaccinations and general healthadvice.
And when children do get sick or hurt, Dr.rajesh subramania Mississippi treat a wide range of common illnesses andinjuries.
So Dr. rajesh subramania Mississippi isa primary care physician. This means they’re your first stop for generalmedical care and wellness visits. Other pediatricians specialize. The Dr.rajesh subramania Mississippi services lists more than 30 pediatricspecialties, including:
oncology: the treatment of childhoodcancers
neurology: the treatment of childhoodbrain and nervous system disorders
otolaryngology: the treatment ofchildhood ear, nose, throat, and neck problems
neonatology: the treatment of babiesborn premature
allergy and immunology: the treatmentof childhood food and environmental allergies and problems with the immunesystem
rehabilitative medicine: physical andoccupational therapy for children
cardiology: the treatment of childhoodheart conditions
Dr. rajesh subramania Mississippi’s child-friendly approach to healthcare provides a setting not only to heal, but also to play, learn, and grow. Heapplies this philosophy to healthcare, whether Dr. rajesh subramania Mississippi helping apremature new-born grow stronger or a teenager learning to manage diabetes. Dr. rajesh subramania Mississippi isthe paediatrician doctor in Mississippi Baptist Medical Center (MBMC),Jackson’s first hospital, which was opened in 1908. Dr.Rajesh subramania mississippi working herefor more than a decade in this Baptist medical center. Today, more than 100years later on the same site in downtown Jackson, our modern facilities includethe Baptist Cancer Centre and a six-level tower housing the CardiovascularCentre and Baptist for Women. In 2017, MBMC became a part of the BaptistMemorial Health Care system, creating one of the largest not-for-profit healthcare systems in the country. With an emphasis on high quality care andcompassion for patients and their loved ones, MBMC has earned numerous awardsand certifications. In March 2017, MBMC became the first and only hospital inMississippi to earn the prestigious nursing designation as a Magnet™ facility.Today, MBMC admits approximately 21,000 hospital patients and performs morethan 220,000 outpatient procedures each year.
Dr. rajesh subramania Mississippi is specialized in the regular care of children, as well as thediagnosis and treatment of illness in children. Young patients are oftenmore complicated to treat because they are still growing and developing.
Dr. rajesh subramanya oxford ms issub-specialized in specific therapy areas like oncology, surgery,ophthalmology, and anaesthesiology. In general, Dr. rajesh subramania Mississippi provideservices like vaccinations, health exams, and treatment of common ailments andinjuries. In addition, Dr. rajesh subramania oxford ms is trained to handle the complex emotional andbehavioral issues faced by children, especially during puberty.
Dr. rajesh subramania Mississippi normally see their patients from birth until theage of 18, although some may agree to treat patients into their early 20s, ifrequested.