
One of the main concerns of divorcing parents is who will get custody of the children and if visitation rights will be allowed. Making sure your children have a chance to succeed in life is vital.
If you are filing for divorce, know that the legal process can be tiresome. If children are involved, you must hire a family law attorney in Houston who can argue on your behalf.
It will give you a better chance of getting the type of custody that works best for you. They can also help with negotiating visitation rights. When it comes to the control of your child, you must ask your family law attorney these critical questions.
What Factors Help Courts Decide Who Gets Child Custody?
The courts will always act in what they believe will serve the child's best interest. There are many factors courts use to decide who gets child custody. Some of the most common factors include:
The nature of the relationship between each parent and child.
The developmental and emotional needs of each child
The age and health conditions of each child and each parent
The type of stability each parent's home environment provides
Any evidence of domestic violence and child abuse.
The willingness and ability of each parent to provide and care for all of the child's needs This includes both physical and emotional.
The child's connection to his or her current community and school district.
What Is The Difference Between Sole Physical Custody And Joint Physical Custody?
While they may sound the same, there are some key differences between sole physical custody and joint physical custody. It is essential that you fully understand the difference between each type before you finalize any custody decisions.
Remember, a family law attorney will be advocating on your behalf. Let them know what type of custody arrangement will work best for you and your child.
Sole physical custody is when a parent has full physical and legal custody of the child. If you get this type of custody, your child will primarily live with you. You'll also be responsible for making tough parenting decisions.
Who Gets To Decide The Visitation Schedule?
What if your ex-spouse doesn't want to work with you to create visitation rules? If you and your ex-partner cannot create a visitation agreement, the courts will create one that reflects your child’s best interests.
There’s a lot more you can ask a family law attorney Houston. Click here to know more.
Questions For An Adoption Attorney San Antonio
Does the attorney answer your questions clearly and straightforwardly?
The most important thing to remember when speaking with an attorney is to ask questions. You should also expect professional and direct answers in response to your questions.
The best attorney will appreciate your questions and take it as a sign that you’ve done your homework.
The first time you meet with a lawyer, not only are you interviewing them, but they are also interviewing you. A superb lawyer wants to represent a prepared client committed to retaining the best legal representation available.
What does the attorney see as the primary challenges in your case?
An attorney should be able to tell you what they see as the main challenges you face and what that could mean to the final result.
A reasonable attorney will not promise you a specific result. Any other answer is not realistic or helpful to you. A good lawyer can promise that they will do their absolute best to represent you.
How much experience does the attorney have in adoption cases?
Asking about an attorney’s experience in adoption cases will tell you a lot about the representation you will receive.
What are the potential legal costs in your case?
A lawyer should be honest with you about what your case may cost. You want to make sure that you get enticed with promises of unrealistically low fees and costs.
Frankly, hiring a lawyer based on an unrealistic price or the lowest price is a terrible idea - it’s almost as bad as representing yourself in court.
To learn more on how you can win your case with an adoption attorney in San Antonio, click here.
Reach out to your family law attorney Houston if you need any modifications to your current child custody and visitation rights. After all, it's their goal to help you get the custody arrangement that best suits you and your child.