
The report is updated with thelatest impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic on the market. The pandemic hasdrastically altered the market dynamics and trends and demands. It has alsodisrupted the supply chain and generated financial difficulties. The reportcovers the comprehensive effect of the pandemic on the industry and offers aninitial and future impact assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic onthe PVDF Membrane Market business sphere.
The latest market study, PVDFMembrane Market blends in qualitative and quantitative research techniques topresent vital data on the competitive landscape for the period of 2020 - 2027.Thisresearch allows the business owners/individuals/ stakeholders to collectdecisive information about market segmentation based on product category, usageand sale volume across the various geographical regions. Business stakeholderscan prepare effective expansion plan by using the statistics on market share,size and the growth rate discussed in the report, for the forecast period of2020 - 2027.Unmatched information on past, present and upcoming market trends coveredin the study offer lucidity on the future projection of the industry.Readmore@
KeyHighlights of Report
In June 2020, MICRODYN-NADIR released a new brand for theirline of hollow-fiber PVDF ultrafiltration products. MICRODYN PureULTRA is usedto treat groundwater, surface water, tertiary treated wastewater, and seawater.
Hydrophilic PVDF membrane has lower protein bindingproperties along with high flow rate and high loading capacity. It can be usedto remove bacteria from culture mediums and other protein solutions.
Ultrafiltration is a pressure-driven purification processthat is used to separate particles from soluble compounds by using ultrafinemembranes. It is an ideal technology for reverse osmosis pretreatment,desalination pretreatment, and wastewater reclamation.
High investments in research and development activities bybiopharmaceutical companies are anticipated to drive the end use industrysegment during the forecast period
Asia Pacific held the largest market share in 2019, due togrowing population as well as rapid urbanization and industrialization in theregion. Growing need for water treatment and filtration of industrialwastewater in the region is likely to boost the PVDF membrane market in AsiaPacific during the forecast period.
Key market participants include Merck Millipore, Cytiva,Arkema, Koch Separation Solutions, Pall, Thermo Fisher Scientific, GVS,Membrane Solutions, CITIC Envirotech, and Bio-Rad Laboratories
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North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany,France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan,China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina,Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (SaudiArabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
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