Psychedelic Therapeutics Market Overview, Industry Top Manufactures, Size, Growth rate 2020- 2030
Psychedelic Therapeutics Market Overview, Industry Top Manufactures, Size, Growth rate 2020- 2030
Global Psychedelic Therapeutics Market is estimated to be worth over USD 6.5 billion in 2030, predicts Roots Analysis

Agrowing body of evidence suggests that using psychedelics, such as psilocybinand LSD, in combination with psychotherapy, can treat the symptoms of severalmental health conditions, including depression and substance use disorders

RootsAnalysis has announced the addition of “Global PsychedelicTherapeutics Market, 2020-2030” report to its list of offerings.

Thereport features an extensive study of the current market landscape, offering aninformed opinion on the likely adoption of these therapies over the nextdecade. It features an in-depth analysis, highlighting the capabilities ofvarious stakeholders engaged in this domain. In addition to other elements, thestudy includes:

·       A detailed assessment of the current marketlandscape of drug developers engaged in the development of psychedelictherapeutics.

·       Tabulated profiles of prominent psychedelictherapeutics developers. shortlisted on the basis of the number of pipelineproducts).

·       Detailed profiles of developers of nextgeneration immune checkpoint modulators (shortlisted on the basis having two ormore psychedelics-based therapies in phase II clinical studies and above).

·       An insightful analysis of clinical trialsites where the studies have been / are being conducted for evaluation ofvarious psychedelic therapeutics.

·       A list of key opinion leaders (KOLs) withinthis domain, and detailed 2×2 matrices to assess the relative experience of keyindividuals who were shortlisted based on their contributions (in terms ofinvolvement in various clinical studies) to this field.

·       A detailed analysis of nearly 545 grants thathave been awarded to research institutes engaged in psychedelic therapeuticsprojects, in the period between 2015 and 2020 (till May).

·       An analysis of the partnerships that havebeen established in the recent past (2017-2020 till May),

·       A detailed analysis of the various mergersand acquisitions that have taken place in this domain, highlighting the trendin the number of companies acquired between 2017-2020.

Adetailed market forecast, featuring analysis of the current and projectedfuture opportunity across key market segments (listed below)

TargetDisease Indication

·       Anxiety and Depression

·       Trauma

·       Pain Disorder

·       Sleep related Disorder

Originof Psychedelic Substance

·       Natural

·       Synthetic

Typeof Psychedelic Substance

·       Gamma-hydroxybutyrate

·       Ketamine

·       MDMA

·       Psilocybin

Routeof Administration

·       Oral

·       Intranasal

·       Sublingual


·       North America

·       Europe

·       Asia-Pacific

Transcriptsof interviews held with the following senior level representatives ofstakeholder companies

·       Andrew Chadeayne (Founder & ChiefExecutive Officer, CaaMTech)

·       Janakan Krishnarajah (Chief Operating Officerand Chief Medical Officer, iX Biopharma)

·       Alexander Speiser (Chief Operating Officer,Orthogonal Thinker)

·       Tracy Cheung, (Chief Communications Officer,COMPASS Pathways)

Keycompanies covered in the report

·       Celon Pharma

·       iX Biopharma

·       MAPS Public Benefit

·       MindMed

·       Janssen Pharmaceuticals

·       Jazz Pharmaceutica

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