
Siteto learn Data structure:
When it comes to DSA , we all know that it has great importancein the recruitment process of software companies . & Colleges never teach it tothat level . To make your DSA skills good ,the perfect way is by Self Study . By doing self studyyou can move at your own pace , you can give as much time as you prefer for the hard and easy topic .
If you want to push up yourself& want to take up a course then i will suggest CodingNinjas .
Coding Ninjas DSA course isworth it going for , you can go for DSA course in any language you prefer . You will find course onC++ , Python , Java Programming Languages ontheir website .
Not only course they too provide some good facilities such as ,
•You can take up a free trial from thereand then you can decide if you want to continue it or not .
•You get 24/7 Teaching Assistantsto solve your doubts .
•You get a completion certificate only if your performance ismore than 60% .
•Assignments , practice questions are also provided .
If you are comfortable with written material, books then you also can go for documentationsavailable on various sites .
After learning DSA , the next step is to practice more and more questions as it increasesproblem solving skills and recruiters alwaystest your problem solving skills .
So the perfect way to increase your problemsolving skills is by practicing more & more questions & participatingin contests on various competitiveprogramming sites like Codechef , Hackerrank , Codeforces, etc .
Thanksfor reading !