
Pre Press Check List For Sending Documents to Press
Preparing documents or files for printing and cross checking them is as much necessary for printer as the client himself. For perfection and desired result contribution of both the parties is required. Also on the other part, it is better not to be completely dependent on the final document checking at the end, rather be active and participate in the activity. Doing so will be easier if pre press check list is created. Here are some major pre press check list points that you must check before sending your files or documents to the printer.
Checking template provide by the printer
If you are availing services from online quick printer then make sure that you have followed the template they have provided you. To check this, you can either use the template provided by them or compare your dimensions and bleed lines to ensure that both the copies are same. The most common mistake people commit in templates is that missing their bleeds, which means wastage of time, money and of course broken client relationship. So, don't forget to triple check the bleeds.
Checking fonts
Though many print workshops can directly work with PDFs and embedded fonts, but there are still some print jobs that need source files from Quark, InDesign, etc., along with all the attached fonts and images. So it is better to ask your printer whether they need file in any particular format as you are particular about the font type you want in the final print.
Checking PDF format
Every print shop has own and individual set of printing machines that run on particular software which supports operation of only certain types of PDF files. The type of PDF created entirely depends on the type of job you have and the software package your printer has. It is better not to assume anything and call pre press department of the printing shop to confirm their requirements.
Checking die cuts
This is very important that both of you and your printer have double checked the die template. It is important especially when you modified them. If you miss this, it means that your printer will incorrectly cut a freshly-printed pile such as presentation folders. Obviously it will cost you a lot high than expectation.
Checking black color
There are some basic topics about printing that you must know like significance of black color in printing. When you say black in printing it becomes confusing because there are two types of black (sometimes even more) in printing - rich black and regular black. So, simply saying black will not work.
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