
Powertrac 434 Plus has a 37 HP, 3 Cylinder motor, which has a 2146 cc capacity. The tractor has an Oil shower type Air Filter and Water Cooled Cooling System. It has a single Friction Plate Clutch and Full Constant lattice transmission.8 Forward Gear and 2 Reverse Gear gives smooth involvement with activity. Powertrac 434 Plus has Multi Plate Oil Immersed Disk brakes and a 1500 kg Lifting limit. Tractor tyres give additional perfection while working it in ranch works. The tractor has a 6 X 16 Front Tire and 12.4 X 28/13.6 X 28 Rear Tire, which has a 2WD Drive type.
Powertrac 434 Price is accessible in the value scope of Rs. xx Lakhs to Rs. xx Lakhs. This tractor is furnished with different progressed highlights which help to expand its usefulness in farms.