
Giventhe invasive and cost-intensive nature of tissue biopsies, there is asignificant unmet need for safer and more patient-friendly cancer diagnosticsthat are capable of offering highly accurate, and actionable insights relatedto the disease.
To order this 350+ page report, which features 150+ figuresand 200+ tables, please visit this link
The financial opportunity within the liquid biopsy andother non-invasive cancer diagnostics market has been analyzed across thefollowing segments:
§ Type of Tumor Marker
- ctDNA
- cfDNA
- CTCs
- Exosomes
- Others
§ Application
- Diagnosis / Early Diagnosis
- Patient Monitoring
- Recurrence Monitoring
§ Target CancerIndication
- Breast Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Bladder Cancer
- Melanoma
- Gastric Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Ovarian Cancer
- Others
§ End Users
- Hospitals
- Research Institutes
- Others
§ Key Geographical Regions
- North America
- Europe
- Asia-Pacific
- Rest of the World
TheLiquid Biopsy and Other Non-Invasive Cancer DiagnosticsMarket (3rd Edition), 2019-2030: Focus on Circulating Tumor Markers such asCTCs, ctDNA, cfDNA, Exosomes and Other Biomarkers report features thefollowing companies, which we identified to be key players in this domain:
§ Amoy Diagnostics
§ DiaCarta
§ HaploX Biotechnology
§ NeoGenomics
§ Swift Biosciences
§ Sysmex Inostics
§ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Press Release:Variation 3 (Format 4)
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. Non-Invasive Cancer Screening and Diagnosis
5. Market Landscape
6. Company Profiles
7. Partnerships and Collaborations
8. Funding and Investment Analysis
9. Liquid Biopsy: Initiatives of Big Pharma Players
10. Key Acquisition Targets
11. Other Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics
12. Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis
13. Survey Insights
14. Conclusion
15. Executive Insights
16. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
17. Appendix 2: List of Companies and Organizations
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415