
GlobalMicellar Casein Market: Overview
Thedistribution and production of milk is not uniform across the globe, incontrast to its high demand worldwide. There a large section of the populationis left with dairy deficit, which has resulted in high import of various dairyingredients like micellar casein from countries with high production of milk.The globalmicellar casein market is likely to be influenced by steady rise in thedemand for functional ingredients. These ingredients add to the texture andflavor of various end use products, which is an important growth factor for theconsumption of micellar casein worldwide.
Application,product types, sales channels and region are the parameter based on which theglobal micellar casein market has been segmented for deep analysis. Theseparameters assist in better presentation of the data collected throughextensive research methods.
GlobalMicellar casein Market: Notable Developments
Thefollowing development reveals the changing dynamics of the global micellarcasein market:
· In 2019, New Zealand-based New Culture has recently developedanimal-free cheese tasting as real and good as the one made from milk. Makinguse of micellar casein and biotechnology to create this animal-free cheese haspaved way for new opportunities for development of vegan milk-based products.This new technology has also opened up new growth prospects for micellar caseinacross the globe.
Some ofthe leading market vendors of the global micellar casein market are asmentioned below:
· Milk Specialties Global
· Freedom Foods Group Limited
· New Culture
· ProteinCo
· AMCO Proteins
· FrieslandCampina Domo
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Global Micellar Casein Market: Key Trends
The globalmicellar casein market is likely to be influenced by the following drivers,restrains, opportunities during the study period.
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Increased Awareness about Heating Healthy and Staying FitBolsters Demand
Micellarcasein finds use in different food products for improvement of quantity ofprotein. Slow and gradual digestion of micellar makes it suitable for use asfood additive in several food items. Finding ample use in both bakery and snackproducts, micellar casein is utilized by food manufacturers to come up withinnovative products. People are becoming increasingly aware of eating healthyand straying fit, which has led to the rising demand for healthy, nutrient-richfood such as micellar casein contained food items.
Rich inprotein and 21 amino acids, micellar casein is derived from the liquid part ofmilk. It is used in protein fortification process, making of smoothies, meatproducts, in clinical nutrition, cheese, and fresh dairy items. Such wide rangeof scope of application adds impetus to the global micellar casein market.Micellar casein is also utilized as viscosity enhancer, foaming agents, and asrheology agents.
Anotherfactor that fuels the growth of global micellar casein market is theavailability of advanced technology. Different membrane filtration proceduresare used for the separation of micellar casein from milk. Membrane filtrationis a relatively new technology that helps in the making of un-denaturedproteins free from additives and chemical processing. In addition, directconsumption of micellar casein is also increasing, which is likely to benefitthe global micellar casein market over the forecast period.
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On theother hand, the market is faced with stiff competition from plant-extracted,animal-based, and dairy-based protein ingredients. Furthermore, micellar caseinis comparatively priced higher than other milk proteins. These factors arelikely to restrain the expansion of the global micellar casein market over theperiod of assessment.
GlobalMicellar casein Market: Geographical Analysis
LatinAmerica, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, Europe, and North Americacomprise the major regions of the global micellar casein market. To facilitatebetter understanding of the market, the market has been split into variousregions.
Europeaccounts for a sizeable chunk of the global micellar casein market and islikely to maintain its market dominance over the period of assessment in timesto come. Increasing preference for nutrient-rich food and functional food inEurope is driving the market in the region.
In AsiaPacific, the processed food items are becoming increasingly popular due tochange in lifestyle. Consumers are getting more inclined toward intake of fooditems that come with added nutrients and benefits. As such, the region isexpected to offer lucrative growth opportunities for the global micellar caseinmarket during the forecast period.