Magento Skin Design Tool, Custom Mobile Phone Skin
Magento Skin Design Tool, Custom Mobile Phone Skin
Personalized covers and skins for mobiles, laptops, cameras and other accessories are a rage these days. With everyone donning a mobile phone or owning a laptop, customers clamor for creative and personalized prints on their gadgets and personal items. With Brush Your Ideas skin and cover designer you can give your customers to personalize their gadgets and would willingly pay a premium for it. Gadgets drive the way of our lives today and are of a lot of importance to us. We go up to any extent in order to protect these prized possessions! Adding statements, embossing favorite designs, printing quotes etc adds a lot of style to the mobile and laptop accessories. But implementing customized designs and getting them printed is only possible through a cover design tool. Brush Your Ideas is one such Magento extension which can be easily integrated with your online store.