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AstoCare – A rich doctor-patient platform primarily plannedand established for medical assistance is truly aimed at strengthening thedoctor-patient association. We believe to connect the power of social networkon this multi-functional platform that also helps doctors to build theirpresence, grow their network, engage and assist patients more profoundlyoffline and online
AstoCare is the medicinal and healthcareassistance platform that closely takes care of all your medical needs. We areamong one of the most trusted doctor-patient platforms that especiallyconcentrates on providing valuable healthcare delivery to our patients. Theplatform connects you with everything you need to take care of yourself andfamily Offers Other than being highly affordable, we also bring for ourmembers, a vast variety of offers on Medical Prescriptions, Lab Tests, and evenDoctor Appointments from the city's best Practitioner SafetyAs yourpartner in healthcare We provide our members exclusive attention andimpenetrable safety. All files containing personal data and medical informationare safely encrypted online, for this purpose Convenient AstoCare brings you the smoothestmedical healthcare experience online by providing you with a one-stop solutionto all your medical needs. Also, we offer 24×7 assistance via
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