
Landscape design
Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. was formed in 1995, then of ChenWa Trading Pte. Ltd. (1985– 1995). Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. is anindependent organization and has accumulated considerable experience inmulti-discipline landscape works and management.
Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. is staffed with a team ofprofessionals and skilled workers representing many areas of expertise,including landscape design and landscape maintenance team. Chen Wa LandscapePte. Ltd. experience in landscape management and design is very extensive andhas been our ‘mainstay’ in landscape development since 1995.
Professionals and skilled workers
Landscape Management / Maintenance
Bio-Filtrations system,ornamental plants arrangements,salesand plant rental
Latest News and Updates
Follow us on Facebook and be with us a we advance in ourdesigns and competency in maintaining green spaces.
Chen Wa Landscape enters a new phase in her transformationwith a new member in her top management. With Phylicia’s entry into themanagement, Chen Wa has gained another competency to add to her current set.Chen Wa will now be able to provide arboriculture advise, professional,independent and accurate.
Phylicia brings in a wealth of horticultural andarboriculture experience. Combined with the experiences of our director,phylicia’s knowledge base will help Chen Wa better serve our clients be it indesign, implementation or landscape maintenance.
Chen Wa has completed her first multi-storey greenwall.Check it out at Nanyang CC.
Nestled in the quiet neighbourhood of Jurong West, aneye-catching greenwall captures the sight of everyone who enters Nanyang CC.Under the shade of the roof, the wall shines brightly, reflecting the lightfrom the powerful full spectrum LED lights. Every floor is a delight withdifferent types of plants and a simple layout of soft waves and twists. Comevisit the fully automated green wall at Nanyang CC. Let us know if you want oneto “live” in your space.
Chen Wa has lost her founder. Mr Choo Mue Muang, Lawrence.
A fatherly figure, a stern commander, a cheerful singer or aloud leader, Lawrence started Chen Wa from a few potted plants, roses to beexact. Through almost 30 years, Chen Wa grew from 1 employee to over 180 today.Chen Wa has lost her creator but not his attitude towards customers. We willcontinue to address our clients’ needs quickly and diligently.Chen Wa willmarch on with transformational changes and adapt to the new desires of ourclients or the challenges of the current manpower situation. We hope for yoursupport during this difficult time and be with us as we make changes towards abetter company.
Chen Wa Landscape is undergoing a make over on her website.In collaboration with Oliv Asia, we hope the new website will provide customersthe latest of our works and how you can reach us.
The last website is near to 8 years old and was due for achange. The new site will be linked to the social network and take on a layoutthat is friendly on all of the current platforms. Clarity and simplicity arecore design ethos that the site will adhere to. We hope this site will besoothing like how our designs and implementations will be for you.
Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. was formed in 1995, then of ChenWa Trading Pte. Ltd. (1985– 1995). Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. is anindependent organization and has accumulated considerable experience inmulti-discipline landscape works and management.
Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. is staffed with a team ofprofessionals and skilled workers representing many areas of expertise,including landscape design and landscape maintenance team. Chen Wa LandscapePte. Ltd. experience in landscape management and design is very extensive andhas been our ‘mainstay’ in landscape development since 1995.
Staffed with a team of professionals and skilled workers,Chen Wa Landscape Pte. Ltd. has undertaken full design and build projectsacross island-wide in Singapore. Our aim is to provide services on the higheststandards and quality resulting in maximum benefits to the clients.
The practice has undertaken a wide range of projects in thefield of Landscape design, Landscape management/maintenance, Koi/fish Ponddesigns, Bio-Filtrations system, ornamental plants arrangements, sales andplant rental.
The latest in computer technology, Abode Photoshop programis used by the firm to help to create a best possible design images andsolution besides manual rendering.
Landscape Design and Build fees are computed individuallyfor each project nature and structure. For most projects, a lump sum fee ispreferable and is carefully computed according to the projected scope of works.