
Solution polymers have the absorbency of granular polymers but are delivered in solution form. Most substrates can be coated or saturated with solutions that have been diluted with water prior to application. The result of drying at a specific temperature for a specific time is a coated substrate with super absorbency. This chemistry, for example, can be applied directly to wires and cables, but it is best suited for use on components such as rolled goods or sheeted substrates. Today, solution-based polymerization is widely used for SAP production of co-polymers, particularly those containing the toxic acrylamide monomer. This process is efficient and has a lower capital cost base in general. A water-based monomer solution is used in the solution process to create a mass of reactant polymerized gel.
Much of the process is driven by the polymerization's own exothermic reaction energy, which helps to reduce manufacturing costs. After that, the reactant polymer gel is chopped, dried, and ground to the desired granule size. Treatments to improve the performance characteristics of the Super Absorbent Polymers are typically performed after the final granule size is created.
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