Jaiib caiib bank promotion exam preparation
Jaiib caiib bank promotion exam preparation
JAIIB CAIIB Exam Mock Test Study Material And Syllabus Pattern PDF Download and Jaiib Caiib Exam Mock Test Live Classes In Hindi 2022.
IIBF JAIIB AND Caiib Exam Study Material and pdf notes

JAIIB CAIIB Exam Mock Test Study Material And Syllabus Pattern PDF Download and Jaiib Caiib Exam Mock Test Live Classes In Hindi 2022.

IIBF <a href=""> JAIIB AND Caiib Exam </a> Study Material and pdf notes

If you have joined the banking center you must have definitely heard about the JAIIB/ CAIIB exams. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) conducts the JAIIB exam twice a year i.e in the month of May & September on the three consecutive Sundays of the month.

This exam is conducted for the post of Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers and aims to provide the basic knowledge in banking & financial services which is necessary to perform day-to-day banking operations.