
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, tympanic membranedisplacement, Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter (ONSD), MRI/CT, and fundoscopy areall non-invasive procedures (papilledema). In 2015, the MRI/CT sector had thebiggest market share. However, due to its ease of use and non-invasiveness,ONSD is predicted to expand at the quickest CAGR throughout the forecastperiod. Furthermore, ONSD has proven to be the most effective treatment optionin emergency medical conditions.
Intracranial pressure refers to the pressure inside theskull that may rise due to a rise in CSF fluid pressure or a rise in pressurewithin the brain. A brain tumour, fluid around the brain, bleeding into thebrain, or swelling within the brain can all cause intracranial pressure.Hepatic encephalopathy, head trauma, hydrocephalus, and cerebral edoema allcause increased intracranial pressure. In neurosurgical patients, elevatedintracranial pressure can cause mortality or cerebral ischemia. It is criticalto recognise and monitor high intracranial pressure quickly in order to avertthis situation.
However, the high cost of these monitoring devices, as wellas a scarcity of experienced experts to operate them, are limiting factors inthe growth of the intracranial pressure monitoring devices market. Becausecurrent intracranialpressure monitoring devices market have limitations, the developmentand validation of intracranial pressure monitors that measure absoluteintracranial pressure is likely to generate an opportunity in the intracranialpressure monitoring devices market.
The intracranial pressure monitoring devices market is divided into fourcategories based on their applications.
· Traumatic brain injury
· Intracerebral haemorrhage
· Meningitis
· others
Intracranial pressure monitoring devices market detectthe pressure within the cranium and brain produced by trauma or otherdisorders. An ICP of 0-10 mm Hg is considered normal, while anything more than20 mm Hg is considered lethal. In patients with cerebral injury, such as thatcaused by trauma, stroke, hydrocephalus, or neurosurgery, ICP monitoring iscritical for both diagnostic and post-operative purposes. More than 1.75million traumatic brain injuries occur in North America each year, according toestimates, and ICP monitoring devices assist surgeons save lives by allowingthem to intervene and treat these patients sooner.
The improved ICP monitoring devices are overcoming thelimitations of older devices, such as spontaneous shifts in baseline pressureand fluid-filled system levelling and de-bubbling. These modern monitors allowsurgeons to keep a close eye on the patient and deliver effective treatment.The majority of ICP monitors on the market today are intrusive in nature,limiting their use as diagnostic tools in healthy people. Today's non-invasiveICP monitoring techniques do not measure absolute ICP.
The Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices marketresearch provides an overview of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices, aswell as their applications and PEST Analysis. The research also includesinformation on Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices market share byindividual Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices, as well as current andexpected Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices market size by sevenmajor markets from 2018 to 2026. The report also examines market drivers,market constraints, and unmet medical needs in order to identify the greatestprospects and analyse the market's underlying potential.
Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is a tool fordetermining the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inside the skull. Thebrain may swell as a result of a serious brain injury, head surgery, a braininfection, or other issues. Because the brain is completely enclosed by theskull, there is only a little amount of room for it to swell. The pressureinside the skull rises as the brain grows.