
Every human being doesn't matter men or women, everyone desire for healthy & illness-free lifestyle to live a quality life. And the individual who really cares about it would take necessary steps in the form of a healthy diet, workouts, Yoga's & other ways of treatment.
Whenever we talk about women's health cycle it is unpredictable due to some natural occurrences like menopause, menstrual flow, pregnancy & mid-life changes these natural conditions consistently hammer your women's health eventually the intimate health. Intimate health & hygiene it something about maintaining the balance between natural factor & natural health of the vagina.
According to some health research, most women, especially from backword or developing countries women, feel offended or embarrassed to talk about vaginal health & for asking help when intimate things go wrong, that's the then reason it is always better to know about your vagina. Your vagina is a tube of the muscle of women Boyd which divide into various sub organs such asthe uterus, bowel, outer labia, cervix & ovary, etc. Which strongly supported by pelvic floor muscles, another most integral part of the vagina is vaginal Ph balance it's necessary to maintain between 3.5 to 4.5 scale.
During pregnancy, pelvic muscles have become loose & natural ph balance of vagina get disturbed, but it's just temporary impact, with proper stretch exercise, diet, and proper hygiene we can bring back the elasticity & strengthen pelvic muscles.
Following are some natural ways to keep the vagina healthy :
Practice safer intercourse
Regular check-ups with Gynecologist
Kegel exercise
use cotton
Keeping your Vagina clean
Hydrate yourself
Avoid your douches, chemically made products, etc.
My eves Choice V tight gel is FDA approved gel made with 100% herbal ingredients with zero side effects, after long Ayurveda study, research and experience My eves choice has come up with Vagina tightening gel.