
Both durable and resistant, bamboo flooring is an attractive alternative to hardwood. Although it is attracting more and more attention and gaining popularity, it should be emphasized that it is important to take certain precautions regarding its installation in order to be able to fully benefit from it.
Obviously, to take full advantage of a new bamboo flooring, you must also be able to maintain it properly. This is why we offer you this article on the installation and maintenance of a bamboo floor.
Installing your bamboo floor
The search for a quality product
At first glance, it should be noted that buying a bamboo floor requires vigilance. Indeed, it should be known that the quality of this material is very variable, in particular because of its sometimes hasty harvest. Thus, as it does not always have the time necessary to reach its full maturation, it can prove to be less resistant and of lower quality. Therefore, it is important to be wary of bamboo flooring sold at a ridiculous price.
In addition, in order to be sure of purchasing a quality product, it is essential to obtain a coating bearing the mention FSC , this seal indicating the respect of about fifty criteria aimed at ensuring the quality of the material, as well a harvesting practice that respects the plant's maturation time and the absence of the use of pesticides. Finally, with regard to its composition, a product devoid of formaldehyde is to be preferred.
Is this the right choice for you?
While you may be wowed at first by the look of this flooring, keep in mind that it may not be the one you need for your project. Indeed, you should know that the bamboo floor resists moisture very poorly and that if it is too high, it could tend to warp or curl. In addition, too high a humidity level could tend to rot your floor covering or the glue used to install it.
Before proceeding with the purchase of a new bamboo flooring, be sure to test the humidity level of your sub-floor. If the latter is wood, the humidity level should not exceed 12%, while for a concrete sub-floor, the humidity level should not exceed 75%. If you notice in the room areas marked by the presence of mold or that the previous tests were not conclusive, it would be better to change your plans.
Both durable and resistant, bamboo flooring is an attractive alternative to hardwood. Although it is attracting more and more attention and gaining popularity, it should be emphasized that it is important to take certain precautions regarding its installation in order to be able to fully benefit from it.
Obviously, to take full advantage of a new bamboo flooring, you must also be able to maintain it properly. This is why we offer you this article on the installation and maintenance of a bamboo floor.
Installing your bamboo floor
The search for a quality product
At first glance, it should be noted that buying a bamboo floor requires vigilance. Indeed, it should be known that the quality of this material is very variable, in particular because of its sometimes hasty harvest. Thus, as it does not always have the time necessary to reach its full maturation, it can prove to be less resistant and of lower quality. Therefore, it is important to be wary of bamboo flooring sold at a ridiculous price.
In addition, in order to be sure of purchasing a quality product, it is essential to obtain a coating bearing the mention FSC , this seal indicating the respect of about fifty criteria aimed at ensuring the quality of the material, as well a harvesting practice that respects the plant's maturation time and the absence of the use of pesticides. Finally, with regard to its composition, a product devoid of formaldehyde is to be preferred.
Is this the right choice for you?
While you may be wowed at first by the look of this flooring, keep in mind that it may not be the one you need for your project. Indeed, you should know that the bamboo floor resists moisture very poorly and that if it is too high, it could tend to warp or curl. In addition, too high a humidity level could tend to rot your floor covering or the glue used to install it.
Before proceeding with the purchase of a new bamboo flooring, be sure to test the humidity level of your sub-floor. If the latter is wood, the humidity level should not exceed 12%, while for a concrete sub-floor, the humidity level should not exceed 75%. If you notice in the room areas marked by the presence of mold or that the previous tests were not conclusive, it would be better to change your plans.
1) Remove the coating in place
Let's start the explanation of the procedure for installing this type of coating by mentioning that you must first remove the existing floor, whether it is a solid material or a carpet. Also, if you have baseboards, remove them carefully so as not to damage them and to be able to replace them at the very end. Obviously, the furniture must have been removed beforehand.
Once your entire floor is removed, vacuum it to effectively remove all of the dust there. Also, carefully observe the surface of your floor to remove any stains that may be there.
2) Make sure your floor is level
This is absolutely necessary to ensure effective installation of your bamboo flooring. To do this, use a relatively long level and check the ground level in several places. If your floor is not level and the difference is more than 5 mm for 3m, then it is essential to remedy the situation.
But how to do it, concretely? The procedure will depend on the type of sub-floor you have. If it is concrete, you will need to use a concrete grinder to level the sections too high and a concrete repair mortar to raise the levels too low. Is your sub-floor made of wood? You will then have to sand the boards whose level is too high and replace the boards whose level is too low.
3) Calculate the dimensions of your floor
In order to buy the right amount of materials, measure the dimensions of the floor you want to cover in square meters. However, plan to purchase a quantity greater than 5% than that required for your project in order to benefit from a margin of error.
4) Wait for the ideal temperature
As we mentioned earlier, bamboo is a material that is rather sensitive to temperature variations. For this reason, it is recommended not to start installing your floor until the temperature has remained stable for two days and it is between 16 and 21 degrees. As for the humidity rate, it should be between 40 and 60%.
Once you have reached the right level of humidity and the right temperature, store your packages of bamboo slats in the room for about 3 days. In this way, your coating will be adapted to the ambient temperature and you will greatly limit the chances that your coating will deform. Take care not to leave the slats on the floor, but rather place them on a table.
Install a wooden covering if your sub-floor is concrete
If your sub-floor is concrete, this could slightly lengthen the process leading to the installation of your bamboo flooring. Indeed, as it will be impossible for you to nail the slats of the latter on concrete, you will have to put a wooden covering on the concrete before going ahead with the laying of the bamboo floor.
Installation of bamboo flooring
When installing the covering, first make sure to leave a 1.25 cm margin between your slats and the wall to avoid any problem in the event of the covering expanding. To maintain this spacing throughout your project, do not hesitate to use spacers.
You must start the installation by laying the first battens online. Make sure the slats are in a position perpendicular to the direction of the joists. You will have to cut the last slat of your first line so that it adapts to the length of your floor. The remaining end should be used to start the second row.
Once this step is completed, drill holes in the tabs of your very first line, taking care not to nail immediately, but to do it afterwards. Remember that the holes should be smaller than the diameter of the nail. This will prevent your slats from cracking or deforming. The angle to be observed during nailing is 50 degrees from the edge of the slats. This will allow the next row to hide the appearance of the nail.
When nailing the slats, it is essential to take certain precautions, otherwise the wood will be split. Thus, you must leave a space of 10 cm from the wall before nailing, while respecting a spacing of 25 cm between each of the nails. When nailing, be alert to the pressure of your nailer. If it is too high, you will split your slats. Finally, be sure to use 18 gauge nails and remember to always nail into the tab respecting the nailing angle mentioned above.
To make the slats close enough to each other, use a rubber mallet and knock on the edge of each one. Obviously, it is likely that the slats in your last row are not the right width, which is why you will have to cut them using a circular saw.
What you need to do to have a uniform floor
Keep in mind that the color of the slats will not necessarily be uniform from one package to another. In doing so, it is recommended not to wait to finish one package before moving on to the next. Instead, you should open all of the packages and dip into each one to mix the hues and avoid creating sections of color on your floor.
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