
Sleep apnea is a chronic respiratory sleep disorder that is commonly characterized by disruption of breathing while sleeping. This is characterized by conditions such as shallow periods of breathing or occurrence of breaks and pauses during sleep. The duration pauses can be for a few seconds or can last for several minutes. These disruptive events can occur multiple times during the night. People with loud snoring habits are most vulnerable to sleep apnea. Resumption of breathing after these pauses are mostly followed by choking or snorting sounds. Most people remain undiagnosed of sleep apnea, as it occurs during the night and is difficult to be detected during routine hospital visits.
Apart from fat, other variables that contribute to the incidence of this condition include smoking, genetic existence, menopause, usage of sedative medicines, having a long neck, alcohol intake, and poor sleeping habits. Sleep apnea is most common in the elderly population, especially as obesity rates rise. According to Oventus Inc., OSA affects around 3% to 7% of adult males and 2% to 5% of adult females. Furthermore, 50 percent of the general population snores, indicating that this population is a potential market for Sleep Apnea Devices .
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