
Next time when you will visit a store to buy your favorite perfume and the representative tells you that it is an imported brand and is out of stock - do believe his words. And it's not because of inefficient inventory management but because of a new set of rules and regulations set by the Government of India.
All these new rules have come into effect from April 2019. As a result, the unregulated import of cosmetics in India has been banned. As per the new rules, defined by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Drug Controller General of India, all cosmetics that are imported in India need a compulsory registration certificate.
The sole motive to implement these new rules is for the proper regulation of all imported cosmetics. According to some research, the Indian Cosmetics Industry possesses immense potential for growth. The ever-increasing buying power along with the increasing fashion consciousness has led to the increasing import of cosmetic products.
As per the rules, cosmetic products that are imported for getting sold in India are required to be registered withCDSCO or Central Drug Standard Control Organization. CDSCO has been appointed as the licensing authority for regulating these new rules.
What is the requirement of the new registration rule?
CosmeticRegistration India to be imported to India is for the regulation of illegal import of personal care products and beauty products by those traders who have no accountability or mechanism to take the responsibility in case customers are not satisfied by using their products. Due to the lack of regulation in most cases, it was found that cosmetics with hazardous materials were imported. But with Government setting rules that require mandatory registration of thecosmetics, it helped a lot in restricting the import of sub-standard cosmetics products and also helped in the harmonization of import requirements with those products that are made in India.
Which products are covered under these new regulations?
Every cosmetic product that is imported for sales and distribution is covered under these new regulations. Indian Food and Drugs Cosmetics Act have defined cosmetics as any product which is rubbed, poured or sprayed on or introduced or applied to the human body for cleansing, promoting attractiveness, beautifying or changing the appearance and includes any product that is used as a component of cosmetics.
The process of registration:
The trademark owner who does not haveany manufacturing unit in India but wants to sell his products by importingthrough importers or distributors or marketers in India is now required toobtain a registration certificate for continuing the marketing activities in India. For registration, an application for registration on form 42, along with all required documents are to be submitted to the Drugs Controller General, CDSCO, FDA office in New Delhi.
The new rules are an attempt to toidentify the source of ingredients used in the cosmetic product, its place of manufacture, claimed benefits and most importantly, its safety standards for human use. Hence, the rules have mandated a compulsory registration which requires submission of an application accompanied by documents that provide such information.
Additional documents required are a request letter by the applicant, proof of payment of the required fee, Power ofAttorney in case the application is submitted by an authorized agent of themanufacturer, all details about the cosmetic product to be imported, originalor copy of the label.
Thus, any person to import cosmetic products from India is required to obtain the registration certificate to continue with their marketing activities in India.