
If you require to replenish your stock then exit the city
The layout of OSRS gold the jail.
Search the crates in the middle of the room . You can select the dentures of monkeys. Make sure to keep your feet on the dark brown floor. The guard sleeping will notify the guards if you decide to speak to him. Otherwise, he causes you no danger.
Locate the crate at the northernmost part of the South-Eastern region. Heal up before going into the cavern below as you will take damage if you drop down. Damage can also be negated when your Agility level is sufficient. Go through the crates of the north-west area of this cavern until it is found the M'amulet mold.
If you require to replenish your stock then exit the city walking to the south-east part of the city. Get to the ladder by running through the gravedigger , and then the guards. Retrace your steps back to the boat to Crash Island.
Part 2
Items needed: M'amulet mold, gold bar and monkey dentures. Recommended: 4+ prayer potions. Quality food, antipoison 1-2 potions and emergency teleports, a plank, and 4+ energy potions
Notice: At this point it is recommended to think about teleporting and opening a bank. You'll need to sprint over the Zombie mongoose and they'll cause small damage (max seven). Multicombat area , that's what you can describe the dungeon. Literally, the whole thing. Gorilla skeletons can cause you the most problems, since they are accurate and intensely (up around 12).
Travel back toward Buy OSRS gold Grand Tree and straight to Ape Atoll. It is recommended to bank at this point, in case you need to. Make sure to go through the tunnel which is located just west of Lumdo.