
Cairo by bus from Hurghada
If you're looking for an easy way to get between Hurghada towards Cairo, Egypt, you should choose to take a bus. It is generally fast and reliable. Egypt is home to many of buses. You can pick one based on your preferences. If you want to lower costs, decide to go with a top-quality bus. These buses are more likely to use motorways and make fewer stops on their way. They typically take 10 to 30 minute breaks. These give passengers the opportunity to use the bathroom or buy snacks, and allow the driver the chance to rest. There are also premium buses equipped with onboard toilets or with a second driver. Regardless of which one you choose, it's important for you to know that the trip is able to take anywhere from six an hour to 8 hours.
luxor tour from Hurghada
The best time for taking an excursion bus of Hurghada for Cairo is early in the morning. Buses take passengers to the hotels in Hurghada. If you're staying in a completely different area, you'll have to pay an additional transfer cost. The journey by bus between Hurghada and Cairo is around 462km long and can take from 4 to 5 hours. The journey on the bus is usually easy and smooth. It's joined by an English proficient Egyptology Tour guide.
scuba diving
It is recommended that you book all Hurghada up to Cairo bus tickets several